• Member Since 11th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Agent Fluffy

Hey there everyone! Agent Fluffy here! I am a voice actress, an autistic woman, a hardcore brony and wanting to read stories for the masses! :pinkiehappy: Happily taken by thecrimsonpit!

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Vacation Announcement! · 4:38am Mar 26th, 2023

Here's the reason why I will be away on break!

Report Agent Fluffy · 89 views ·
Comments ( 318 )
  • Viewing 314 - 318 of 318

Thanks for adding "What's In a Writer's Mind"! :scootangel:

thank you for the bookmarks!

Thanks for adding "When Life Gives You Snow..."! :scootangel:

EDIT: You added "What Mistakes Tell us" too! Thanks x2!

thanks for the bookmark! ^^

Thank you very much for the watch. I hope you enjoy bizarre tales.

  • Viewing 314 - 318 of 318
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Rarity Calls the Cable Company Fanfic Read

This is definitely one of my favorite fanfic reads! :):raritystarry:

Well Mr. Doctor Pony Fanfic Read

That was my first YouTube Fanfic read.

Pinkie Pie Tries Coca Cola

I love doing this fanfic read! It was so much fun! :pinkiehappy:


Vacation Announcement! · 4:38am Mar 26th, 2023

Here's the reason why I will be away on break!

Report Agent Fluffy · 89 views ·