• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 28th, 2015



Taking a Break · 6:03pm Mar 16th, 2014

I am officially taking a break from writing My Little Pony fanfiction. I can't juggle MLP fanfiction along with my other (paid) writing work anymore. I might write more MLP fanfics when I'm done with my other work, and I might not.

Instead of leaving my remaining stories unfinished, I rushed them to completion. All except for one, which I barely started. I figured I would leave it here as a going-away present.


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Report arglefumph · 611 views ·
Comments ( 13 )
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*starts reading "Princess Luna in the Crystal Empire"*
*notices the author's name*
*checks profile*
Oh my God, it's really you! You won't notice my username (I have a different username on YouTube), but I've seen quite a few of your Professor Layton videos! I can't believe that you're a brony--and a writer at that!

Hi, I like muffins! Do you like them too? :derpytongue2:

Anyway, Happy Random Follow Day!! (Yay!!) Feel free to return it (Or not...)

how are you and sorry for saying this in messages and on here

Your profile pic is awesome. Just thought I'd say that, teehee.

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