The arrival of Calm Sky in Equestria has caused catastrophic magical corruption and an invasion of strange creatures. Will Flurry Heart manage to stop it?
I’m about to give birth; such a joyous occasion, even with the inherent pain considered. I will be sharing a few days with Mothers, just like myself; while being pampered, caring for my New-born. What is coming out of it, is an even greater joy.
Trixie's line of work is dangerous. But she's a careful showpony, and that's why she's only died a few dozen times in her career. She thinks this is normal.
Discord, facing off against the Elements of Harmony in a final stand, thinks that pulling a future version of himself may give him the edge he needs to win… He was very wrong.
Sometimes, there are states of emotion that can overwhelm even the mightiest of creatures; or so they say. Queen Chrysalis had never taken stock in such tales, nor the creatures that told them. Until today that is.
Following her tragic death by yet another villain of the week, Twilight Sparkle finds herself facing something all alicorns eventually uncover. The continue screen.
Smolder's time at the School of Friendship, and her recent friendship with Spike, gives Twilight a chance to finally get some answers about dragons. Some answers are better received than others.