After finding Sunset Shimmer's old journal, with hundreds of pages to spare, one Solace Sheen is inspired to record all that has happened since the day the Earth turned silent.

He meets those who know Sunset Shimmer, whether personally or by proxy. She and her friends are missing, whose siblings are dreading what might have happened. But they also remain hopeful that their loved ones are someplace safe, and far from this world of quiet terror.

Either way, it will take every miracle given them to last long enough and fight these violent creatures from unknown regions of space. So long as they remember to hold onto each other, without succumbing to demonic temptations, or their own wounded humanity.

Chapters (2)

AHother LEvely DaL in the NeiPhbourhood

Written for The Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary Shipping Contest!

CW: Blood, Implied Abuse, Implied Death

Preread by Bicyclette and Aklinstar

Remaining Chapters posted Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

Chapters (9)

Opaline Arcana. A woman of mystery. A wanted terrorist. An ursurper to the British throne. A self-obssessed, narcissistic psychopath who regards the world as her oyster.

However, it wasn't always like this. Every story has a beginning, and the experiences a person faces early in their life is usually what shapes them into what they become later on. Join me as we take a look into Opaline's origins, and chart the course that changed her from a normal, if somewhat egotistical, person to an irredeemable monster.

Set within my Thomas and Friends continuity. However, knowledge of the series is not required in order to follow the story.

Chapters (5)

A couple years after graduating from Canterlot High, the Mane Seven have entered a new phase of their lives; operating as a team of superheroes known as the Guardians of Harmony. As new threats rise from the new magic surges to threaten Canterlot City, it’s up to the Crystal Guardians to keep them in check.

Chapters (4)

MLP x FNAF crossover.

Sunset is in need of a better-paying job. During her search, she comes across a listing that is too good to be true… but the pay is too good to pass up.

Upon arrival, she is met with a familiar face, but something about this place isn’t quite right? Would a friend lead her astray?

Chapters (11)

While in holding, after forcefully having their cutie-marks removed, Twilight is separated from her friends. Starlight has a special plan for the princess.

Chapters (2)

Receiving a message from the future, Twilight Sparkle learns the world will end in 1000 seconds. Is that enough time to save the world?

In a very thematic way, this story technically complies with the rules for "A Thousand Words Contest III: Experimental Category."

(Cover image source: I edited an MLP:FiM screencap/)

Chapters (6)

(Based on a request by Lavapede. Takes place before the time skip in "The Last Problem".)

Not long after taking the throne, Princess Twilight receives an invitation from Sunset Shimmer to come to the human world. Eager for a chance to get away from the pressures of ruling and relax, Twilight agrees and brings all her friends with her.

But as it turns out, Sunset Shimmer isn't just looking to catch up with old friends. She and the Rainbooms want to challenge Princess Twilight and the ponies to a series of sports in order to see who's truly the best.

Despite the disadvantages faced by the ponies, Princess Twilight and her friends all agree. With even Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer agreeing to take part, it's anyone's guess as to who will win what and whether ponies or humans will triumph overall.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Couriers in a Storm

Having managed to arrive at the outpost unharmed, Ditzy and Dash find Twilight waiting for them, ready to receive their delivery. After a brief rest at the outpost, the two are sent further West into a toxic valley, carrying a volatile package intended for an unusual recipient.

Chapters (2)

Raven has been trying to snag the latest romance novel in the lurid Ginger Gypsy series -- torrid, trashy and utterly irresistible -- for weeks. And now, thanks to a coworker's generosity, she has her grubby little hooves on a copy. Tonight is going to be great.

Raven lives alone in an upscale apartment in a nice neighborhood in Canterlot. She only rarely has friends over. Which is why the note in the book is so puzzling.


A Horror entry in Bicylette's "A Thousand Words" contest.

Chapters (1)