• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Xaquseg is the system administrator for FIMFiction, as well as various misc. development, especially related to security. Non-technical problems are probably best asked to other staff members.

Comments ( 224 )
  • Viewing 220 - 224 of 224

I have no clue what is wrong but I'm just plain not getting any email updates even though all of my bookshelves are checked to send me updates

(Client-side bugs)

4. The text right align button () on story chapter edit pages doesn't work, see below link for the proposed fix
5. The "Show More" button on the top right of the bbcode editor is currently just a blank, thin list with 0 menu items when editing stories/comments.

EDIT: The original bug report and the proposed solution were long, and I also moved that to a blog post, BBCode bug reporting channels, and a few BBCode bug reports/feature requests

EDIT: In retrospect, user page notifications would get drowned out by other notifications, and don't seem to be a good channel overall.

1. I'm requesting a way to add https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/details support (collapsible HTML widgets) to FIMFiction's version of BBCode? I don't see a way in https://www.fimfiction.net/articles/bbcode to add this. E.g. what I want is to have the BBcode
2. In author's notes, links look exactly the same as normal text at the time of posting this comment. They aren't underlined, and they are the same color as normal text.
3. What's your preferred channel for asking about bug reports or feature requests. FIMFiction's Discord? (https://www.fimfiction.net/staff has knighty's preferred channels but not yours) Private messages? (I didn't have an account on Discord when subscribed to this channel) Is https://github.com/knighty/fimfiction-issues/issues something you are subscribed to? The recent issues were old or closed by reporters. (I know email is recommended for security issues, but wasn't sure if that was only security issues)

EDIT: The original bug report was long, and I moved it to a blog post, BBCode bug reporting channels, and a few BBCode bug reports/feature requests

Sorry if any of these requests have been recently requested elsewhere, I looked through the first and last ten or so pages of user comments for relevant information on feature requests, but (1) didn't find similar feature requests, and (2) The question about how to make feature requests to other site admins would be relevant to other commenters.

EDIT: In retrospect, user page notifications would get drowned out by other notifications, and don't seem to be a good channel overall. I sent a message instead.

asking again for your attention.
the block function needs to be more strict to whoever is being blocked. i don't think it's good that users I'm trying to block can still interact with my content. I'm not sure why it works this way allowing harmful users whom I've reported can still interact with me.

please fix.

i am not sure who to contact about this, but the Block button does not work.
i do not want people i am blocking to see or interact with my content, if that can be fixed it would be much appreciated.

thank you,

  • Viewing 220 - 224 of 224
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