• Member Since 9th Jun, 2011
  • offline last seen January 30th


I'm the creator and lead developer of Fimfiction

Useful Links!

- Github Issue Tracker
If you have bugs to report please see this page! You can report them here too but it's much better if you do it on Github :twilightsmile:

- Frequently Asked Questions
This page has the answers to most of the questions you might have for me. Save us both time and check here before asking questions!

- Creating and Posting a Story
A tutorial showing you how to create and post a story on Fimfiction!

- Staff
Wondering who works on the site? Check no further than this link!

- Writer's Group
Having trouble with a story you're writing? The writer's group has lots of people willing to help you out


This is a list of conventions I have been to and ones I plan on attending in the future as a guest or attendee. I'll also list some other meet ups here.

✓ BUCK 2013 - Manchester
Role: Guest of honour
Write up blog post

✓ Crystal Fair Con 2014 - Helsinki
Role: Guest
Write up blog post

✓ Galacon 2014 - Ludwigsburg
Role: Attendee

✓ BUCK 2014 - Manchester
Role: Guest of honour
Write up blog post

✓ Galacon 2015 - Ludwigsburg
Role: Attendee

Galacon 2018 - Ludwigsburg
Role: Attendee

Comments ( 8436 )
  • Viewing 8,422 - 8,436 of 8,436

Hello, seems there is a problem with push notifications.

Yesterday after I didn’t receive a push notification involving PM.

And now I didn’t get a story update push notifications.

I saw a story that I wanted to ready but it just disappeard and can't find the author. Here is the link
I tend to look for something to ready at night and this is gone before I got the chance. :(

What kind of NSF pony art is acceptable? Because I added an art picture that I already paid for on my latest horror fic from Discord but was rejected like several hours ago.


Finally, Rainbow Roadtrip got a proper release. They never released a DVD or BR, and until now, all recordings were HDTV rips with artifacts and network popups and stuff. It almost takes the sting out of G5 fizzling out.

Maybe consider a contest focusing on Hope Hollow ponies to mark the occasion?

Hey I just noticed one of my stories (Dawn’s new day) is not showing up properly. It can still be found but last time I updated it, it did not show up.


I have a question.
I want to know exactly how many fanfics there are here.
But when I browse all new stories, there is only "first", "next" and "previous"

There is no "last" option, and the pages are not numbered.
Has anyone asked about this?.

Sadly Knighty has been unable to Brony due to having to take his Masters in Britishdom

Thanks for the answer, soldier.

Your service had been greatly appreciated.

Nah, I'll stick with my boring Americaness.

Knighty is... PEAK BRITISH

Do you seek to be as British as he? For that, there are online courses:trollestia:


Years later and I am still impressed with just how usable this site is. Truly incredible job, thank you for building and maintaining it 💌

Are you British?

I heard that somewhere but wanted confirmation.

Hi! How are you? I'm commenting because someone I blocked was attempting ban evasion either by using someone else as a middleman to do it or they created an alt to do it. I blocked the new one and deleted the comment, but I was advised to report them because it is ban evasion. But I deleted the comment off my homepage and that takes away the proof. Is there a way to restore the comment by GrassHouse on my homepage so I can do a proper report? Thanks!

Hello, I wanted to post my first story a view days ago, but still am waiting for approval from an Admin.

  • Viewing 8,422 - 8,436 of 8,436
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Some of my favourites over the years