• Member Since 30th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen June 5th


Writer/Artist who's been active since the inception of the fandom.

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Lyra Grows Bigger... · 2:20am Jul 15th, 2020

Lyra Grows Bigger For No Reason

Wanted to give this story a signal boost as I've been following it and would greatly recommend it as a solid growth story. Gent even used my art as the cover pic.

Totally worth a read!

Report Cosmonaut · 412 views ·
Comments ( 69 )
  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69

I was just scrolling through the earliest comment's on knighty's userpage, and you were one of the first users I saw who was still active on the site.

Have a read later add.

Hi. I was wondering that do you do request mature stories. I don't do commission.

I'm chazkopa, and your stories are remarkble.

I've never done a writing commission before. To be honest, I wouldn't know what to charge.

While you don't take suggestions, do you take commissions?

  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69
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