• Member Since 30th Nov, 2011
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Nira Lightshine


Advertising my friends youtube channel · 8:14pm Dec 9th, 2020

My friend JATate has been writing a book called Mayajaks, and she is a few chapters in. I'll post the channel here.


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Thanks for adding PinkieShy to your lists. I hope you enjoy and have a great week!

Idk how follow stuff works on here so I always put stuff on both

Thank you so very much for adding A Tale of Two Suns Books 1 and 2 to your Favorites and other Bookshelves. I'm glad you liked them so much... or I hope you like them? Since you added them to Read It Later as well as Favorites, I'm not really sure if you read them yet. Either way, thank you. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav and track! Appreciate any like and or comment on my story :twilightsmile::heart:

Thank you for adding my first story to your reading list:twilightsmile:. If you enjoyed the story, and are still enjoying it, could you please leave a like:twilightsmile:?

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