Opaline Arcana. A woman of mystery. A wanted terrorist. An ursurper to the British throne. A self-obssessed, narcissistic psychopath who regards the world as her oyster.

However, it wasn't always like this. Every story has a beginning, and the experiences a person faces early in their life is usually what shapes them into what they become later on. Join me as we take a look into Opaline's origins, and chart the course that changed her from a normal, if somewhat egotistical, person to an irredeemable monster.

Set within my Thomas and Friends continuity. However, knowledge of the series is not required in order to follow the story.

Chapters (5)

Pinkie is a normal party pony... or so she thought until recently. But now she has learned she was born with the darkest kind of magic: Blood Magic. A magic that is known for it's darkness and corruption. A magic that, if in the wrong hooves, could kill off all of Ponykind. However, Pinkie was born with the power in her blood. A power that could be used for evil... but could also be used for good.

But how can Pinkie ever trust her power? How can she be sure she can keep her promise to Princess Celestia: Protect Equestria at any cost, even her own life? How can she be trusted... when she doesn't even trust herself?

And who is this mysterious pony that is trying to steal the Element of Laughter? Is he or she a new villain, or an old enemy, back from the dead to finish what he started? Or is he or she trying to send Pinkie a message?

Content warning: Lesbian characters, fear, mind control, insults, self-doubt

MTGNexus set link: Shattered: the Magic The Gathering set

Chapters (8)

My Entry for the Tropical Post-Apocalypse contest, using scuffed AI renders for inspiration.
An Anon experienced in Equestria finds himself with a sense of Deja-Vu, as he gets dropped into the same world again. Only this time, something's gone terribly wrong along the way -- and a pint-sized pony demanding his help is buzzing around his head. He's about 90% sure she's just a hallucination, but the jury is still out on that one.

Everything is weirdly overgrown, and the places and ponies he'd become familiar with are nothing like they were. Magic is just plain wrong, either entirely missing or twisted into new, horrific forms.

Good thing he watched all those survival gameshows and jungle construction videos, or he might be done for.
Romance tag is there because I hit the wordcount too quickly, so ending chapter is kinda rushed and I'm dumping another chapter when the contest is over.

Chapters (7)

MLP x FNAF crossover.

Sunset is in need of a better-paying job. During her search, she comes across a listing that is too good to be true… but the pay is too good to pass up.

Upon arrival, she is met with a familiar face, but something about this place isn’t quite right? Would a friend lead her astray?

Chapters (11)

The waking world was the land of the living, home to numerous lifeforms, great and small, and the means for subsistence altogether: even though many have questioned the existence of others like, and unlike, them, that fact it exists is enough to provide such certainty; alas, all is not well in this globe in particular and the reasons are far too much as is, so much so a category had to made in this case.

Otherwise known with a capital Zulu, this phenomenon happened to take place without so much as a warning, especially not in advance: as much as it'd started out small and controllable, they'd grown to innumerable heights and classes, even for the strongest of beings; not only that, the problem spread to other species capable of perambulation, most of which relied on premortem instincts but nothing more.

Either way, all that could be done for the survivors was escape and even then it'd not be enough just for that, especially given the situation: in their case, all that was needed was an plan of action and reaction -hold out until the storm and stress is over as soon as possible no less; of course, all it would take is a miracle and it was nothing short of distant and indefinite, at least as far as the party is concerned as is.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest III in the Horror category.

Chapters (1)

I awoke to her silhouette on the wall. I shut my eyes immediately.

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III contest, in the Horror category.

Chapters (1)

The empty halls of the Crystal Castle glimmers in the moonlight.

Within its chambers stands a cloaked pony. She's lost everything that she ever was.

A single thought echos through the halls: can she try again?

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III for the Experimental, Drama, and to a lesser extent, Horror categories.

Big thanks to a close friend of mine for pre-reading!

Chapters (1)

When a mare Celestia has no recollection of triggers a panic attack, a buried truth begins to claw back to the fore. In the dim recesses of a time long gone a sacrifice will web for naught.

Written for A Thousand Words Contest in Horror.

Chapters (1)

The isolated Kirin Village welcomed its first group of tourists…

A Horror entry for Bicylette's "A Thousand Words" contest.

Chapters (1)

Willow's perception of reality and the darkness around him is shattered, leaving him to navigate the thin line between dream and nightmare, grappling with newfound fears and revelations about the true nature of the night.

Chapters (1)