This is a self-insert/displaced fic. what happens when a goddess asks if you want to be OP as fuck? what happens when you say yes well you about to see what happens.
After years of the Tantabus presumed to be defeated, the plague returns in a vengeance. This time, it not only targets Princess Luna, but the other reformed villains as well.
Trixie's line of work is dangerous. But she's a careful showpony, and that's why she's only died a few dozen times in her career. She thinks this is normal.
The Great and Powerful Trixie has her eye on a place in Twilight's circle of friends at Celestia's School... and then suddenly discovers it may be her only chance to *stay* at the School...
Starlight Glimmer decides to accompany Sunburst when he goes to start classes at Celestia's School. It's the worst possible day in her entire life... that is, until a chance encounter with a certain plume-maned unicorn...