• Member Since 17th Dec, 2013
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I'm am an autistic brony, looking to write fantasy and everyday life novels for my kind. I became a brony when I related well with applejack and twlight, and I love the show.


Series Cancelled · 1:02am Nov 12th, 2023

Im sorry for those who were hoping to see more of trans Equestria Girls Izzy, but I’m officially putting any ideas I had to rest. Part in due to writing fatigue, but also in part that I did have some ideas where I wanted this series to go, but then the more G5 played, the harder it became for me to keep up. I have no idea how to write in Sparky, Misty and Opaline into the story. Also characters like Hitch I was going to have a longer arch of him getting over his transphobia, but now it just

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Hi, AJ. I just wanted to take this moment to say thank you on behalf of everyone that you've linked readings too. I can say from experience that it's always a wonderful feeling when your story gets a reading and you have taken it upon yourself to share these readings with authors that may have otherwise been unaware of it. So, thank you so much. :twilightsmile:

I like the cut of your jib.

Thanks for the fave on Zephyrina/Zipp as well! Stay awesome!

Thanks for the fave on Now Who I Thought I’d Be!

Guess given your output, we were bound to cross paths at some point.

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Series Cancelled · 1:02am Nov 12th, 2023

Im sorry for those who were hoping to see more of trans Equestria Girls Izzy, but I’m officially putting any ideas I had to rest. Part in due to writing fatigue, but also in part that I did have some ideas where I wanted this series to go, but then the more G5 played, the harder it became for me to keep up. I have no idea how to write in Sparky, Misty and Opaline into the story. Also characters like Hitch I was going to have a longer arch of him getting over his transphobia, but now it just

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Series Cancelled · 1:02am Nov 12th, 2023

Im sorry for those who were hoping to see more of trans Equestria Girls Izzy, but I’m officially putting any ideas I had to rest. Part in due to writing fatigue, but also in part that I did have some ideas where I wanted this series to go, but then the more G5 played, the harder it became for me to keep up. I have no idea how to write in Sparky, Misty and Opaline into the story. Also characters like Hitch I was going to have a longer arch of him getting over his transphobia, but now it just

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