Seattle's Angels 2,658 members · 1,255 stories

If you are here to recommend stories, please note that we do not accept self-promotion. If you are interested in recommending stories by another author, we encourage you to visit the official recommendation thread. Also be sure to read the FAQ below.

With Fimfiction in a state of disarray brought about by the rising of the Nofictoread Empire, it is left up to Seattle's Angels to fight and bring forth the Hidden Gems that have eluded us all, in the hope that these inspiring stories can bring forth a new age of quality reads for the good of the galaxy

This group houses all of the stories reviewed by Seattle's Angels, as well as links to the reviews themselves. To stay updated, don't forget to turn on notification settings in "Settings" in the main menu. Enjoy!

Every other Saturday we do site-wide blogposts containing reviews for great stories that are unfortunately underviewed, and every Saturday in between (at 6PM PST / 9PM EST) we do podcasts wherein we discuss ponies, stories, and faff. To find links to past reviews, podcasts and the YouTube channel itself, in addition to other useful resources, click here for our archive and resource page. Stories we've recommended and reviewed can be found in the group folders.

To recommend a story, please visit the official story recommendation thread. Please note the rules outlined in the opening post. Self-promotions are not allowed and disqualifies oneself from future consideration.

Don't forget to check out the discussion threads as well! Plenty of fun there.

Fimfiction is a bustling city. There's ghettos, parks, offices; everything you'd think a city would have, this city has it. It's a community with different tastes spread across whole blocks and while they might not all like each other, they have to deal with it because it's where they live.

EqD is an out-of-town newspaper. They've been here the longest so they know what to do, and they even put a billboard or two up around town. Everyone reads their paper because it's all about the world, not just this one particular city, and people like to know what's going on outside. Sometimes they mention Fimfiction or its people. Hey, did you hear about that one guy they mentioned? His thing was neat. You could get mentioned to if you wanted to send them something to publish, but keep in mind you're going to be representing the city. They don't. They represent themselves so don't go thinking you can tell a newspaper what it can or can't print.

You could always make your own newspaper, one that's localized and all about the city, but there's tons of those here already. Twilight's Library is one, and so is the Writer's Group. They might be big and involving, but they don't get publicity like EqD does. And there's so many of them! Can't we just have one? Why do we have to have so many? Oh, right. Because Fimfiction is a city of many tastes, that's why.

And then there's the mayor and his staff. They go around making sure everything works in the city, but they got lives too, y'know. You can write to them but they've got busy lives, so don't expect to hear back. Their job is maintence.

But then there's SA. They're kind of a kooky folk, liking to sit around parks and cafés and wherever things are happening. They might not dress well or shower often, and they might only know one song on that old hand-me-down guitar, but stand by one of them long enough and you just might learn something. They like to travel the city, so they know lots of things from everywhere, maybe even some place you've never been to. Like that bar down the street nobody pays much attention to. And they'll tell you its faults, sure, but they'll also tell you everything it's doing well and recommend you the place to check out yourself. You don't have to go there, and you don't have to listen, but they don't really care that much. They like what they do because they're doing a service to benefit the city as a whole, and they certainly love the city.

• Why haven't I heard of these stories / authors?
That's the point. Our aim is specifically to find stories that the general population hasn't read, but should.

• How do you select the stories you review?
Most stories are found by us reviewers doing slush reading through FIMFiction's archives. Some come from word of mouth. Some come from our recommendation thread, and make sure you read the opening post. Self-promoted stories are not accepted and we will only acknowledge recommendations submitted to that thread. From there, the two reviewers of the current round discuss and debate until they come to unanimous consent on four stories.

• Are there any restrictions on what stories you'll review?
As previously stated, people cannot recommend their own stories. And per new site-wide rules, all Mature-rated stories are no longer able for us to review. The focus of the group is on "hidden gems", we are exclusively looking for stories with a low level of "notoriety". The definition of this is left intentionally vague, as we evaluate stories on a case-by-case basis. Having a low number of watchers, followers, and views helps. Having been recently featured somewhere (FimFic Featured Box, EQD post) hurts.

• Do you accept stories that have been spotlighted on another site, like EQD?
Originally, we did not, but that decision was eventually reversed. However, appearance on a site like EQD does somewhat weigh against its consideration, as it has already "had a chance to shine." There are plenty of great stories that have not had that opportunity yet.

• Why the name "Seattle's Angels"?
"Seattle" because staff member Seattle_Lite is this group's creator and administrator. "Angels" because it's a play on "Charlie's Angels". During planning stages, we jokingly referred to the group as such, and Seattle_Lite told us not to name it that, so we named it that.

• How does Wanderer D find the time to write all these reviews?

Got any more questions? Hop into our forums and ask away!

Comments ( 115 )
  • Viewing 96 - 115 of 115

To auld lang syne

The link to the archive is wrong. It goes to the recommendation thread. Correct link is this.

Ah, nevermind, they totally do:raritywink: and they’re awesome. :yay: the angels still review fics? Looks like forum hasn’t been used in a while.:fluttershysad:

I added a reccomendation in the forum since the thread link is broken.

I hope I'm well received in this group and my stories as well and that many other writters find this place welcomed, while I do ask readers to keep checking my stories if they want I also pass info in stories and authors that I enjoyed hoping to also get good stories at in the light, I will like to find and give constructive criticism and help and be helped to make better and more interesting stories. Thanks for having me.

Tis the season for giving. Let us see if there are any gems out there that needs to be polished.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

Let 2020 be even better. ^_^

Gods above it feels like...forever and a day since last I trundle the depths of FIMfiction and all 'er hidden wonders..

Can I recommend my stories to you guys? If no, then I understand.

Hey boss. It has been like. A year, or something, but it made my day. <3

You're welcome.

Uhm... I never really got to thank you, which I feel dumb for not saying it earlier but... thanks for the help

Comment posted by Visus finalem deleted Sep 21st, 2019
Comment posted by TheJediMasterEd deleted Feb 7th, 2019

By 'bar', does is that the Barcast?

wow....thats alot of slice of life....give the source material though i should be surprised that alot of the best stories are SL

This is a fabulous idea for a group and I'm glad that it exists. Very excited to meet some of you folks.

Comment posted by Shaquille Oatmeal deleted Aug 1st, 2018

Hi everypony nice to meet you. Hope I can chat with some of you:twilightsmile:

One day I'll make my mark here...

  • Viewing 96 - 115 of 115