• Member Since 30th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


The Force is the Force, of course, of course, and no one can horse with the Force of course--that is of course unless the horse is the Jedi Master, Ed ("Stay away from the Dark Side, Willlburrrr...")!


YouTube got a lot nicer after Martin Mull died · 1:56am Yesterday

Because the algorithms starting directing people towards his stuff instead of the usual crap:

I don't know how Mull transformed into Gen X's cool uncle from a 70's Midwestern snarkass a la Bill Murray, David Letterman and (the archetype) Johnny Carson:

Maybe he mellowed out, maybe the world soured past him.

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Ouch. My brain hurts.

The Force is the Force, of course, of course, and no one can horse with the Force of course--that is of course unless the horse is the Jedi Master, Ed ("Stay away from the Dark Side, Willlburrrr...")!

Okay. You win the title of best user description.

There's simply nothing that can top that.

And I saw that image someone else posted, and now I'm dying inside.

(Cautious) My name is Darth Wrex. What's your?

  • Viewing 123 - 127 of 127
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