• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”

About Me

A few words about me:

I’m a writer, blogger, and group admin here on FimFiction. My favorite characters (and the ones I tend to write about) are Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Applejack. I tend to write romances, with a lot of dialogue and a sense of humor even in serious situations. Other things that might interest you:

I’m the group founder for the AK Yearling Society for Original Writing.
The AK Yearling Society is a group here on the site for writers who are interested in news, thoughts, and assistance on breaking into non-fanfic writing. The group is private, to allow people to hold onto first publication rights to any pieces of stories they might post or link to, but anyone can PM me for an invite. More explanation of that in this blog post.

I blog a lot.
I often blog about writing, shipping, and fandom news. There’s a list of some of my most popular or interesting blog posts on this page. Make sure to glance at the comments, I have some brilliant folks reading my blog and some of the discussions have been better than the blog posts.

I’m an admin of the AppleDash Group and the TwiJack Group, and have run the Shipping and Romance Writing panel at BronyCon for the past two years.
I love to talk shipping. I tend to really dislike “opposites attract” ships, and I’m not shy with snarky comments about RariJack and FlutterDash, but I enjoy good stories and conversation about just about any Mane Six pairing, including those.

If you’re curious about AppleDash fics, or aren’t sure if you’ve given the ship a fair shot, this list is a good place to start, though sadly outdated.

Top Fics of All Time


bookplayer's Blog Index · 7:36am Aug 30th, 2016

This index covers every blog I've written since I joined the site that I think people might want to read or reference. Some of it is outdated, but most of these contain some kind of good or useful information. If there's something you remember that seems to be missing, let me know!

Feel free to comment on older blogs. If I don't respond, it's either because I don't have anything to add or I'm busy, not because the blog post was old.

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Comments ( 428 )
  • Viewing 424 - 428 of 428

God bless sir. God loves you, yes, now and forever.

I'll keep that in mind

Sure, if it was about something I really really like to write about. In that case, if you've ever read my stories, any M-rated stuff would have to be 100% relevant to the plot, so much so that I couldn't write the story without it, and I'd have to really love the plot.

If it's just "sex happens" that's important to the plot, I'd write it the way I want (or allude to it if possible), not taking into account any of your suggestions as to exactly how it happens. So you're wasting your time there.

  • Viewing 424 - 428 of 428
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