AppleDash 3,029 members · 1,098 stories

Welcome! This is a group for fans of the AppleDash pairing. The admins are big fans, and will try to keep this updated with as many fics as we can find.

We think it would be cool to make this different from other shipping groups. In addition to fics for you to look at, we'd also like to use the message boards to collect art, links and vids related to the pairing. While you're there, feel free to toss around questions and ideas related to writing fics about this pairing and the characters, and to have fun with the occasional shipping related meme or questionaire.

In other words, interact. Comment, add stuff, post messages, and if you have any questions contact DbzOrDie or bookplayer.

Message Board Directory
These are some of the permanent threads you might be looking for.
Find out who we are, and tell us about yourself.
Your 'go to' AppleDash fic?
Find out our favorite AppleDash fics, and tell us yours.
Folder Explanations
We keep things organized, and here's the info on what each folder is for.
AppleDash Art and Videos
Home to lots of fun and family friendly pictures of our favorite ship. Feel free to post any you find!
For talking about anything, on any topic. Make some friends!
Remember that fic?
Looking for an AppleDash fic you once read, but don't remember the name of? This thread is for you

Make sure to browse the rest of the boards and start or join in on any discussions that might interest you!

Comments ( 234 )
  • Viewing 215 - 234 of 234

I question why I never really joined groups the moment I made this account, as I regret not joining this one sooner. Just wanted to say hello to the group! Been a fan of this ship back in 2016

Pass on that one. Not a fan of guesswork that’s later contradicted by actual canon.

There’s another one I know of, but it was written before season seven, so RD’s parents aren’t the ones she has in the show.

Read that one long ago, but thanks for the response anyway.

Thanks! I'll have to brainstorm.

Yo Dreadnought, check out this contest by Forgetful if you haven't already :pinkiehappy:

I see there's been a lot of AppleDash contests run through this group. I always seem to find out about contests after the fact. Will there be another contest coming up?


Comment posted by dr-soviet deleted Aug 12th, 2020

Now it has exactly 2,700 members. Wow...

There any stories of meet the parents? Or more specifically, Applejack meeting Rainbow Dash’s parents?

Does the AppleDash have to be the main focus or can it be any story involving appledash?

Comment posted by My Sister Tia deleted Jan 2nd, 2020

Can we just talk about how the appledash group now has 2.6k members?! Like, woah! :heart:

I could read it im preety good at finding ways to bring them togeher if youre still looking for help

I'm looking for someone who is a talented at drawing who can draw a cover picture for my Fic. You can pm me.

So I'm working on an Appledash fic featuring older as in in their 80s older Rainbow dash and applejack. problem is I've never really written romance before focusing mainly on vivid imagery. What i'm trying to ask if if some of you could read it and give me some advice on how to proceed in bring them together as a couple i really don't want it too be cliche i'm going for a slow burn. thanks my story is called uisce beatha and the parting glass

Comment posted by Fishfingers-and-custard deleted Feb 2nd, 2018

Name's Harmony Sparkle! Big AppleDash fan!

  • Viewing 215 - 234 of 234