• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

David Silver

You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!



July Calender · 4:15pm June 23rd

I hear the calendar is an easier way to see this, so on we go! The words must flow. By the by, you could help me do these words by joining my patreon. We even have new tiers to get shouted out with each and every update!

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Comments ( 452 )
  • Viewing 448 - 452 of 452

So far so good! Wrote 2k, jogged 0.5 km, and now back to writing.

Greetings David. Having a wonderful day?

No idea, reported for spam.

What in the hell is that?

  • Viewing 448 - 452 of 452
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