• Member Since 11th Jul, 2012
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Journal of a Lost Changeling:
: Words into next chapter


A Little Announcement about future writing... · 12:43am May 19th, 2014

So, as I'm sure you've noticed, it's been quite some time since I updated JoaLC, and I'm sure you're all wondering where the next chapter is.

To be frank, I don't know.

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I do, however try as I might, I've come to find that writing is like a 5th priority thing for me in my life. Sadly that means that I need to find both the inspiration, will, and time to write, which is quite a goldilocks zone for me to find these days.

However, I will say that I absolutely hate leaving things that I publish unfinished, and moreso that I cannot stand a lack of closure. Should the time come where I've lost any and all will to even consider finishing these stories(A possibility, even if very small,) I will officially announce such, and give those who like these stories closure as well. ^^

Sorry to pester. Are you going to continue either of your stories? I really liked them and want to know if I should give up on them being continued.

Been busy , the grocery realm doesn't really stop.

Hectic at the start of the new semester. xD What about you?

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