Military Bronies 570 members · 183 stories
Comments ( 151 )
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Hello, I am a Navy Sailor E1, joined the military in November, and currently a ship mate in California.

Been a fan since the start of the show but only recently became a real brony within the last year.

I've been part of this group but haven't put myself out here. USAF since 07, I am an E-5 (still...) and I'm a 1A351. Cross training to 1D7, been a Brony since 2012 after discovering the show on accident. Only 5 years until retirement, I cannot wait to get out.

Now LT, made O3 recently.

Quick question, do I have to be in the military or plan to join the military in order to stay on the group? If I have to be in the military ill just bug out the group since I'm not.

howdy fellow sailor. e5 et coastie out of California. pleasure

New arrival here. Coast Guardsman in the CSPI pipeline right now (entry as E5, finish program to commission O1), glad to be with you lads.

New here former F-15E wso. Now retired

Haha, not exactly. Though I certainly talk about the importance of having friends out here.

Oh lol just didnt expect an o2 on here. Really awesome though. Do you ever prescribe mlp to people who come and talk to you? Naybe for stress relief or something?

Why is it terrifying?:rainbowlaugh:

ET3 in the coast guard. dont know if you joined yet but, just work and hard dedicate yourself.

that's terrifying not going to lie lol. hello sir

Comment posted by Ned Kelly deleted Jun 14th, 2020

LTJG, USN Chaplain Corps
God bless you all!

1N2C SIGINT Analyst
-- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / - .-. .- .. -. . -..
Brony since 2013 pre-enlistment.
Currently chillin roasting in the desert somewhere.

Grunt as hell, US Army. Groups like this show me that being an 11B Brony is actually not as rare as it felt. lol

153M, UH60M pilot.

I plan on joining the Coast Guard in the not-too-far future. Any tips?

On 3-19-19, I got enlisted into the United States Army.

I'm shipping out for Basic Training on May 7th.

My job is going to be U.A.V Repair. (15e)

Wish me luck.

  • Viewing 132 - 151 of 151