This story is a sequel to Ghosting
Prism has just graduated high school and everyone and their mothers expect him to be a Wonderbolt just like both of his parents were. He's incredibly talented, the best junior flier anyone has ever seen, the top of his school racing brackets effectively since he was born, and all the while, flying is not his special talent. His cutie mark is a prismatic fortified tower, and he is a model builder and an architect. But, he's also academically poor on his best days. It's a miracle he passed high school at all.
What he wants to do, what other ponies want him to do, and what he believes he can do are all at odds. However, life comes at you fast. The minute school is out forever, Prism's life is immediately taken for a ride he isn't ready for. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. Can Prism carry that weight?
Daily uploads until the story is complete.
Set in my 'Bright Future' universe which diverges from canon after season 4.