A lone pony sits by the beach.

She does not speak, for she had nobody to speak to. She only thinks, wondering how things would be if they could have gone better. If she had been better.

entry for tropical post-apocalypse contest

focuses more on the 'post-apocalyptic' than the 'tropical'. Just in case.

Featured: 2024 July 26

Chapters (1)

The Blueblood dynasty have been ruling for centuries, now Emperor Blueblood XV has sent Twilight Sparkle to retrieve the crown of Empress Celestia, a mare of ancient myth who's crown is rumored to hold immense power and grant the wearer unstoppable strength.

Twilight Sparkle, with the help of her five friends and a trusted professor from Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns believe to have located a cave which Empress Celestia's crown rests deep inside. Unfortunately for them, the crown is not the only thing that rests within the cave and what was supposed to be a simple artifact recovery turns into something much more perilous as they awaken something they likely shouldn't have.

Tags and warnings may change as story progresses.

Chapters (1)

Inlight Dust, in order to rejoin his tribe after whole life being an outcast, participates in the Proving. After the attack on the Proving, he leaves his homeland to the princessdom beyond to find the assasins, and uncover the mysteries of the world he in: filled with war, hunters, and machines.

Chapters (3)

Changeling king Thorax and Dragon lord Ember had been invited to the Grand Galloping Gala at Canterlot castle, they were hoping to improve the relationship between the changeling hive and the dragon lands. However, the 2 leaders had a little disagreement in their ways of leading their kind which led to a fight (a fight that Ember started). The 2 leaders left in shame and embarrassment.

Chapters (1)

(Loosely based on "Too Much Detail" by EbbySharp on DeviantArt.)

Pipp Petals learns of a threat made against her life ahead of one of her upcoming concerts. Her mother's consistent nagging about it thus forces the popstar princess to hire an official bodyguard to be on her security detail.

Hitch decides to volunteer Sprout for the role after hearing of how bored his former deputy is. Sprout, for his part, is not thrilled in the slightest to be spending considerable time with a pegasus, especially one who stills harbors some resentment towards him.

Neverthless, Sprout will try his hardest to protect Pipp's life. Now if only she would listen to him about the dangers in crowds and other potential threats.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chivalric Training

The second of the three Choose your Endings is here, before you start reading this I would just like to say two things

First, the series is not cancelled, it's just on hiatus until everything from the Mondstadt arc has been put in place (We still need to figure out the events) so it seems like you guys will just have to wait until it's complete for the next Episode which means I'll work now work on the 'Prologue' of my fangame (which now instead of Rainbow High is an MLPRonpa)

Secondly, I'd like to thank Ryouko_T and Mintie on Discord for their help with the Genshin Impact order, without them I wouldn't be able to figure out when to do the events and such

Now then I'll see you all later and enjoy the story

Chapters (9)

Midnight Lancer has lost part of his family. The toll taken on the stallion is heavy, with him isolating and blaming himself for her passing. Unable to handle his thoughts, he goes for a flight towards the rocky cliffs north of Manehattan to finally say goodbye.

This is a personal story to help me process the loss of a cherished pet. It's not meant to be anything crazy, but I did try hard while writing this. If you have any feedback, please leave a comment below so that I may improve. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I love you, Mimi.

Chapters (1)

Not every part of Equestria has been explored. Countless areas and terrain remain unknown to ponies. And perhaps maybe that was for the best. A certain part of the forest is the home of the Umbra, evil dog-like creatures who could cast dark magic and easily dispatch those who dare enter their terrain.

With Twilight and her friends suddenly going missing, everyone is out searching for them. Worried about their friends, Discord, Trixie, Maud, and Twilight’s student, Starlight, embark on a dangerous quest to find the missing ponies. Little do they know of the dangers awaiting them.

Their loyalty to their friends would be put to the very test. Not only do they explore a new, dangerous land, and encounter the bloodthirsty Umbras, but they also learn something new about themselves along the way.

Special thanks to starcoder for proofreading!

Chapters (2)

Sunny Starscout was the chosen one. The one who brought magic and unity back to Equestria. But, as it turned out, the rest of the residents were not very happy about it. Ungrateful. Ignorant. Realizing that this is the only way anyway, Sunny agrees to a deal with the ancient alicorn, establishing a new order and uniting all ponies whether they want it or not. Peace has finally reigned in the Equestrian Empire. But for how long?

Chapters (6)

After years of having disappeared, the evil King came back to life.
When he is defeated again he is offered a second chance. Discovering the truth of his past, the revelation will hit him cold.
But he will be able to find a new reason to live.

Chapters (2)