
Based on Fallout: Equestria

Peppermint Twist is the Republic of Our Town's finest confectioner- that is to say she's as good as anyone else. She was content listening to the daily announcements and doing her work faithfully, but as whispers of an escapee begin to spread, she begins to wonder if there could be more to this village- and life in Equestria- than what meets the eye.

Chapters (3)

This story revolves around John, a human student attending Canterlot High in Equestria, navigating the complexities of his senior year. Living in a world shared with magical creatures, John faces unique challenges, from tensions with prejudiced classmates like Comet Whistle to balancing his relationships with friends

Chapters (2)

Diamond Tiara was a bully until the Cutie Mark Crusaders had shown her the light of her cutie mark. But Diamond wasn't always like that. There was a time she had a friend. Before the CMCs. Before Silver Spoon. Before her cutie mark. A friend who had taught her to dream.

This story is dedicated to the one who taught me that it's important to dream and is helping me come up with dreams of my own

Chapters (1)

When Sundancer is accused of killing a royal guard, she is brought before the Empress of all Equestria to face judgement. Though the blue bloods of Canterlot call for imprisonment or even execution, Empress Twilight senses something almost familiar in the defiance of the accused and decides her punishment will be something all together different. A fitting punishment, surely, and not simply a means to satiate her burgeoning curiosity?

Cover Art brought to you by the always wonderful WiseLlama @ https://www.fimfiction.net/user/282088/WiseLlama

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to My Little Heartbreak: More With a Kind Word and a Hard Hoof

Following from last month's adventure, Rainbow Dash is tasked by Twilight to be Heartbreak's teacher this month. Sounds easy enough, right? But this is H.B. we're talking about here, and Rainbow Dash is the reason she's currently in a cast!
Can Rainbow Dash, as awesome as she is, be able to teach Heartbreak a lesson about loyalty without falling to her more well known less than awesome character traits? Will either of them have what it takes, or will everything end in heartbreak? Read on, true believers to find out!

Chapters (3)

Fluttershy is one of the nicest ponies you could ever meet. She is always nice to her friends, her animals, and everycreature around her. But there are times when she wishes that she wasn't so nice at times and is as brave as her friends, and can do such amazing things. One day, that all changed when she found a mysterious mask then just seemed to be floating in a river. On that faithful night, she discovered a very interesting feature about the mask once it has been put on. What will happen next? Well let's just say that it'll be...


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Ghosting

Prism has just graduated high school and everyone and their mothers expect him to be a Wonderbolt just like both of his parents were. He's incredibly talented, the best junior flier anyone has ever seen, the top of his school racing brackets effectively since he was born, and all the while, flying is not his special talent. His cutie mark is a prismatic fortified tower, and he is a model builder and an architect. But, he's also academically poor on his best days. It's a miracle he passed high school at all.

What he wants to do, what other ponies want him to do, and what he believes he can do are all at odds. However, life comes at you fast. The minute school is out forever, Prism's life is immediately taken for a ride he isn't ready for. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. Can Prism carry that weight?

Daily uploads until the story is complete.

Set in my 'Bright Future' universe which diverges from canon after season 4.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Agents of Discord

The last thing Kitsumi Nova Nightfoal (Kitsu) adopted daughter of Nova Silverwood Swan wants is to never go home again. Kitsu had taken the blame for the machine built by Cozy Glow and had been sent to Tartarus for Cozy's crime. She would not stay there long thanks to the jinn in her amulet affectionately known as Moonie. She took a great risk to get to Starswirl's enchanted mirrors and crossed dimensions twice to find herself in a world filled with humans who could do magic. There she would meet not one but three of her counterparts.

And then one day she got whisked out of her adopted world to find herself in an ancient cavern. The trip while a surprise when it happened had not been unexpected. Mrs Silverwood in her dimensional travels knew the possibility that Kitsu might be forced to play the part of the villain had prepared for the day.

Now Kitsu must work with King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, and Lord Tirek to undue Grogar's plans.

Note: portions of the dialog were lifted in part or in whole from the original episodes. I do not claim those sections, canon characters, or the original material which this edit relies on.

Chapters (1)

Square Hole's tribe has been suffering from the Long Winter for many moons now. Though her race's affinity for the earth gives them some leeway even in the biting cold and chilling wind, the thought of them merely biding their time hangs heavy on everypony's soul and each day seems less and less hopeful than the last.

That is, until one day a pony straight out of the tribe's legends appears, promising to bring down the Sun and with it as much light and warmth as they could want. And all they are asked to do in return is to build a tower tall enough to reach it.

Proofread by Equimorto and Jinxed.

A pony adaptation of Rainbow's Stargazer.

Chapters (5)

The Joker didn't remember much from the Mxyzptlk incident, but he distinctly recalled an epiphany he'd reached. One that he'd known for years, but had needed a fifth-dimensional perspective to put into words: Any universe that could create something like him didn't deserve to exist.

Of course, he hardly had the resources to do something about that with his usual day-to-day operations. That's where the highly unusual consultant came in.

Cover by MediumSizeTex, used with permission. Graciously preread by Crack-Fic Casey.

Chapters (1)