I didn't expect a nobody like me being an alicorn in this world of ponies, though something just feels weird about all this. They say that it was destiny that brought me here, but is that true?
In a world where the Princess's fight spiralled into a 5 year war, the world was left more broken and divided than ever. 999 Years after it ended Celestia has started a new school to fix this. Even she couldn't imagine what it would bring her...
In a world where the Princess's fight spiralled into a 5 year war, the world was left more broken and divided than ever. 999 Years after it ended Celestia has started a new school to fix this. Even she couldn't imagine what it would bring her...
A man of dark magic and dreams of domination was flung into an unsupecting world of ponies. Watch as years later this dark lord faces down the greatest challenge he's ever known: parenting.
Sometimes, there are states of emotion that can overwhelm even the mightiest of creatures; or so they say. Queen Chrysalis had never taken stock in such tales, nor the creatures that told them. Until today that is.