• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".

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Blog Posts

  • 3 weeks
    Voting time and happy 4th of July!

    First, I'll get the quick part out of the way. if you live in the US, happy 4th of july!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Be careful with fireworks if you are going to light any tonight.

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    1 comments · 73 views
  • 4 weeks
    Director's Cut: One of Them

    Damn, it feels like ages since I last did one of my behind-the-scenes AKA “Director’s Cuts” blogs. For those that never read them, my "Director’s Cut" blogs are where I talk about the, well, behind the scene stuff of a story. Such as where I got the idea for it from, unexpected changes done during writing, noteworthy edits, and any thoughts I had or even still have about something in the story.

    So let’s begin!

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  • 4 weeks
    Final chapter of "I'm Sorry (Suckers!!) is out!

    As the blog says, the 3rd/final chapter of 'I'm Sorry (Suckers!!)' is out! I had to work on this story a little more than I thought I would, but I'm glad that it is finished! I've been a while since I last wrote a story with such a wacky, over-the-top premise, so it felt good to get back to writing such up-to-eleven shenanigans.


    0 comments · 78 views
  • 5 weeks
    Update on "I'm Sorry (Suckers!!)"

    Fails again at thinking of a clever way to start this blog oh wait there it is For those waiting on chapter 2 of my newest devious creation AKA the story 'I'm Sorry (Suckers!!)' should be released sometime tomorrow. It was planned to be ready a couple of days ago, but a sudden headache I woke up with a few days ago threw a wrench into those plans. Chapter 2 also turned out to be a bit longer than I thought it would, and I even decided to split it into 2 chapters, so 'I'm Sorry

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    1 comments · 87 views
  • 6 weeks
    To Save a Plant now has an audio reading!

    'To Save a Plant' now has a reading on Youtube, courtesy of No One and Nobody. Check it out if you have read ''To Save a Plant' and want to hear it in audio form!


    2 comments · 62 views

Voting time and happy 4th of July! · 4:20pm July 4th

First, I'll get the quick part out of the way. if you live in the US, happy 4th of july!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Be careful with fireworks if you are going to light any tonight.

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Report ThePinkedWonder · 73 views ·
Comments ( 254 )
  • Viewing 250 - 254 of 254

Its an interesting movie, also there's an audio book so that nice.

Gotcha. And yeeeep, safe to say Twi probably wouldn't take seeing books being banned for anything well.

And I also didn't know Fahrenheit 451 is also a reference, so a nice touch to who came up with its name.

It's about a dystopian country who burned all books so the public is unable to learn though books.
It's been years since I've watched it, but is a really good movie.
Also, Fahrenheit 451 is a reference to the heat at which paper burns.


I wouldn't know how that might go even if he could do it; I've never watched Fahrenheit 451:twilightsheepish:

I just had a thought...
What if Eric tricked Twilight into watching Fahrenheit 451?

  • Viewing 250 - 254 of 254
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