• Member Since 24th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Real Name: Cadaver Charles Sanders.


Can We Hit 40 Followers · 9:29am Mar 2nd, 2019

If We Hit 40 Followers I Will Give You A Shout-Out In My Next Video On My Channel.

Report Cadaver21 · 311 views ·


Everypony I will be doing some Q&A on my fimfiction blog

Blog Posts

  • Monday

    Guys, i need your help, Chapter 5 season 3 is almost over, whoever has the battle pass complete, gift me it to me at M.Shadows18, but friend request me first and gift to me, then you can choose what bundle what you want and i will gift it to you.

    0 comments · 15 views
  • 121 weeks
    minecraft wii u

    who have minecraft for the wii u type your username in the comment section

    0 comments · 138 views
  • 134 weeks
    today is my birthday

    today is my birthday everyone

    3 comments · 180 views
  • 134 weeks
    i have a wii u and happy new year

    hey guys just a really late 2021 blog update i got 3 thing to tell you guys
    1. tomorrow is my birthday
    2. if you have a wii u sent me your username so we can play minecraft and Call Of Duty:Black Ops 2 and Call Of Duty:Ghost.
    3. I wish everyone a happy new year.

    0 comments · 131 views
  • 176 weeks
    I have a Xbox One

    I Have a Xbox One and sent me your username and we can paly Minecraft and call of duty black ops 3 4 and cod black ops cold war

    0 comments · 182 views
Comments ( 30 )
  • Viewing 11 - 30 of 30

Thanks for the faves

Your profile reminds me of an animator called wingedwolf. Interesting..

Well it actually does. The Phone App SCP. I forgot the item number to it. But yeah it does. It actually looks kinda cool.

Is that a pic of an SCP?

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for the favorite!

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for fave some of my stories

Thank you for the watch! :twilightsmile:

happy new year to you too

Thanks for the watch. :) Hope you enjoy my stories. :D Happy new year! :D

Thank you for adding my story and following ^^

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Jul 12th, 2021

thx for that my dude

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Jul 12th, 2021
  • Viewing 11 - 30 of 30
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