10 Years... · 8:46pm Aug 6th, 2022
10 Years...
That's how long I've had this account on FimFiction.
I was about to graduate middle school when I learned about MLP:FIM, and the brony community that surrounded it.
At the time, like any adolescent boy, I thought it was weird that men were interested in a show meant for little girls.
Nonetheless, I decided to give the show a try, just to see what was so special about it and what made adults flock to watching it.
Awesome! If you're a Soarburn fan, then you have VERY fine taste. Enjoy!
You're welcome. I haven't read anything yet, but I'll check out the Soarin/Braeburn stories in the future
Thanks for watching! Can I ask which stories of mine you've enjoyed?
You're welcome
Thanks for the watch.