My first models from 40k · 2:32pm Jul 13th, 2024
Yesterday i got my very first models for 40k a lemen russ and a tech priest enginseer. So anyone else has some models they have or want?
Yesterday i got my very first models for 40k a lemen russ and a tech priest enginseer. So anyone else has some models they have or want?
One of my cats passed away just the other day we buried her in the front yard, anyways i have more to say but i miss you leia loo hope you having car rides in heaven.
Yesterday i got my very first models for 40k a lemen russ and a tech priest enginseer. So anyone else has some models they have or want?
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If he did, then why hasn't he responded to any of our comments, including me, when we were having a conversation a couple of years ago?
I haven't heard from him after 2023, and I've nearly given up on hearing from him until you told me this.
That's a lie... he's commented on my stories.
To any members visiting this user's page:
Please refrain from, and do not post any comments or questions on his/her page anymore.
After the summer of 2023, he/she stopped talking to anyone, including me, and as such, he's/she's not responding to any of us, even in our pm's/dm's anymore.
I'm sorry if this sounds like an insult or an inconvenience to any of you, but he/she doesn't seem to be active anymore, and he/she will never respond to any of us anymore either.
His/her only two stories may be good, but don't try communicating with him/her anymore.
Thx for the fav