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To The Sonic the Hedgehog and My Little Pony Fans, Time to Burn Rubber with Sonic and Rainbow Dash Speed!!!!

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Let's blast through Sonic and Rainbow Dash's speed!

Ehh. It's better than the original ending, but still rather lackluster. Overall Sonic Frontiers, while a step in the right direction for Sonic, still has a ton of issues that prevent the game from being great.

The Sonic fandom always has been full of Nostalgia fueled old farts that think the transition to 3d was a bad thing, huh?

So how's everyone feeling about Sonic Frontiers and the final DLC?

Sorry for the very late reply, yeah that one is pretty good, also Break The Walls Down is great too and is still ongoing

Comment posted by CosmicPony deleted Oct 11th, 2022

Happy birthday Sonic!

Hey there everyone it's been awhile, I have a question do you have any favorite SonicXMLP fanfics, I'm trying to get back into reading them after the long hiatus I've been in the MLP-verse so I'm open to anything, so far I've been reading what made me interested in the series like Friendship is Timeless to name one, but it's been so long and so many fanfics that I just don't know what to start, other than that thank you and have a way past cool day ya'll! :)

Hey I just posted a sonic story of mine here and just want to say for anyone who do like it tell me what you think but for those of you who don't like it don't put hate comments on it just put a dislike on it thank you also if you have any tips to make them story better tell me I'd appreciate it


SEGA's only consistent about one thing: Their inability to translate what made Sonic work in 2d to the world of 3d. They eventually gave up and started making 2d worlds that pretend to be 3d, and often turn side-on to throw that 3d illusion away completely.

You ever play Sonic Utopia? That's how a good Sonic game works in 3d. Sonic World is a close second because it's like Sonic Adventure 2 but with more characters and the ability to make your own levels.

There's gotta be some kind of fuckery at work here to be so inconsistent for so many years.

Speaking of, as one classy Sonic fan to another, maybe you'd be interested in my story. It's my goal to create something truly great for this crossover genre, as opposed to the largely disappointments I've watched for years.

This was their attempt to make up for 25 years of garbage: Another garbage autorun game you can beat one-handed.

Featuring rushed plots, low-effort everything, recycled Generations assets, and a generic edgy tard baddie who turns out to be the kind of kid who makes generic edgy tard baddies. Wow, what depth. Meanwhile, the hero's a cowardly blank slate who never acts of his own volition and can only stand on his own two feet with Sonic backing him up. Wow. Really feeling the love here, SEGA.

And to think I believed they were going all out with the world at war thing. It was like SatAM brought to a video game. It could have been so good... and they found a way to mess it up. Disappointing.

A man of taste, culture, and platforming skill!

A respectable individual, I see.


So are there any other stories with Sonic Forces x MLP? Just asking.

Yeah what you said first is what I meant.

do you mean the one with Rainbow Dash being his sister?`

get's adopted by Rainbow Dash without them knowing what he would grow into? I think I want him just big enough to go on adventure, maybe as big as the CMC.

yep i probably meant something similar, but if I remember it right I probably wanted to see most of if as soon as they are old enough to go to school ad make friends or whatever.

or what where you refering to?

So this is what you meant on your first comment on my story.

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