During a magical, spatial anomaly, a man that was soon to meet his end will end up in Equestria, perhaps even for a second chance, and will, for better or for worse, make things change both for himself and the ponies around him.
Equestria 485,000Twilight Sparkle returns to Equestria half a million years after leading the last living ponies into space.by Unwhole Hole
153,107 words
· 180 · 4
Friendship Is Optimal: Caelum Est ConterrensSet in the Optimalverse, a middle-aged woman confronts what emigration to Equestria - uploading to a virtual existence - really means. But can she truly understand - and more importantly, should she trust the artificial intelligence Celestia?by Chatoyance
54,909 words
First Pony ViewSome dreams you might never want to end… …but what happens when the dream really doesn't?by Suomibrony
232,093 words
· 1,563 · 113
Rainbow Dash comes to the real world, where MLP hasn't happened, she helps a teenage boy when he is having trouble at his school by bullies and a principal that thinks he is nothing but trouble.
With Christmas/Hearth's Warming just around the corner, you need to find something special for a special someone in your life. But finding the perfect gift is never that easy.
It's been a few months after you and Rainbow Dash fought. Now that it's Hearts Warming, she arrives at your house and the two of you share a loving moment underneath the mistletoe.
You've had your eyes set on Applejack for a long time. Maybe your best friend Rainbow Dash can help you earn Applejack's heart. You wouldn't see why not. Besides, she's your best bro. Right?
You are Star Chaser a pegasus who holds a family legacy that you can't live up to. Seeking to "Escape it" will one certain Mare be able to bring color back to your life.
Have you ever woken up as a vegan cartoon pony? I have, and she won’t shut up about it. I’m stuck in her body as our minds swap control and our memories blur. I’m not sure I can survive the rest of the day, let alone until we fix it
Me, again
Thank you for enjoying my silly story so far, Peppermint!
Not much. My name is Wrex. What's your
whats up!