Male Alicorns & Pegacorns 183 members · 188 stories

Since the other group (male Alicorn) is dead
and that the one that made it hasn't been on for 3 year

I thought that I would make my own group

all of them, and non are Male !?

Comments ( 26 )
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Thank you for the invitation.


Hi guys, I've noticed that it is International Men's Day today, and I'm confused. Why do we need a day to talk about men? We're not a marginalised group like women, queer people, or people of colour. The media is already full of stories about men.

I'm glad you asked, champ. Whatever your view on men's place in society, it's still true that we face a lot of issues - like social isolation, risk of suicide, health problems, and attitudes towards sex and child rearing. Having a day to talk about those doesn't take away from anyone else's problems. In fact, having a day to talk about them helps us be more mindful, and listen better at other times

he chief here is really on to something. I want to echo what he said, and also point out that the idea we should remain silent about our problems actually contributes to a lot of our issues. We are human beings, with human needs. Seeking mutual support and understanding isn't the same thing as placing a burden on others. Especially if we're providing it for each other.

Right on, my fellow kings. We've inherited a social legacy of competition and division, and a lot of what makes a man in our era is under question. IMD is a chance for us to examine and rethink what we are together, and build the bonds of solidarity and support that will make a better way possible - like in this meme. Because in our hearts, we're all curious kids and buff guys on keyboards, Peace.

It's Tough to be an Alicorn

Us Male alicorns are pretty rare :ajsmug:

Seeing as a male alicorns are non existent, this is a pretty unique group.

I ended up in here after an invite. Hello NicLove, and thanks for joining my Neighsay group:pinkiecrazy: (I was hoping someone would write in my group ;-;)

i have joined to say that i don't even have a male alicorn oc lol

I'm guessing I was invited because of my profile? Not that I'm complaining, thanks for the invite. :twilightsmile:

Ohhh Niche group...

Thanks for the invite (s)!

Thanks for the invite. Though my male Alicorn is still a wee one. Gonna be a while before he comes into his own.

Thanks for the invite

Thanks for the invite while not an alicorn nor male. I do love me a good alicorn story!

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