• Member Since 11th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago

Aether Spark

I'm a highly imaginative and clever storymaker with a great imagination and desire to make great stories, I'm very dedicated to my stories and will always do my best to finish them. :)

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A great DD offer · 12:56am 1 hour ago

I am still considering it but what if to facilitate time between now and Chapter 5's release of Dark Deception, I make a second DD fanfic I have multiple lists I could choose from.

Multiple stories.

Would you guys like that? Or stick to what I am currently working on and stuff?

Let me know down in the comments.

Comments ( 69 )
  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69

Alright, I found that Paypal will be the method, I still need to install it but let's hear [preferably in P.M to maintain secrecy] your commission. :pinkiesmile:

Okay great! Keep up the good work!:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::derpytongue2:

When I get my other current ideas made, and figure out the timeline of events, gotta make sure it doesn't decline.

When are you going to continue The Strange Six? :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 65 - 69 of 69
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