• Member Since 29th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Silver Butcher

I shall Butcher your dreams


Hey, wanna buy me a Coffee? there's like a 40% I'll actually use it to buy a Coffee


Just an image of Pinkie falling

here is what you actually came for.

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My absolute favorite story


Test readers needed · 8:27am June 11th

I need a person or two to read the next chapter of Spike: The Unwilling God of Chaos and help me get the chapter rolling again, I have some writers block and need a hand, (It's not the entire chapter obviously and even the stuff you do read might be changed or expanded upon later)

To be eligible for this you must have left at least one comment on the story 'Before' I wrote this blog post that way I know you at last care if the story is good.


Ko-fi · 3:58am Jan 28th, 2022

I have decided that Patreon can not and will not work, asking people to pay me every month is, in retrospect, not the best Idea. So I present my Ko-fi Page Silver Butcher If you like what I do, please consider throwing some change my way, I could really use it.

Report Silver Butcher · 210 views ·

Custom Icon - Made by Little Tigress

Special thanks to Little Tigress for making me a custome Icon.
Ko-Ficlick here to donate to the cause that is me, I'll probably use it to buy story art.

Picture Unrelated

Comments ( 378 )
  • Viewing 359 - 378 of 378

https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

oh no my one weakness
Social Commentary!!

Revenge is mine

Ok but why?
I don't dislike it but still.

I feel good, you want feel good too?

Like I said, no harm done

Not to worry. Accidents happen. I did the same to even it out

Sorry just got back from work.

Yes. I was having a some internet lag and accidentally unfollowed u. I noticed it a little while later and re-followed.
Sorry bout that

Did you accidentally unfollow and refollow me at some point? No big deal if you did.

Sure, what is up my doode

Hey Silver, got a second?

I've just seen your comments on other people's accounts and you seem like a nice person.

Thanks 4 the Watch ! :pinkiehappy:

but why ?

  • Viewing 359 - 378 of 378
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