Applejack doesn't like the big city. Call it time, but she has been there before. Plenty of reunions, court for the few times it's necessary for her to break out her tux. Her own adventures, obviously. She's always had plenty of reasons to go, but never to stay. I can understand that.

Except for one. Which I suppose, nowadays, I can understand too.

The year she ran away from home. She stayed with family, they weren't what she lost, and they couldn't fill the gap; though, it was nice. It filled something to know that she was loved, and on that day she told them she was going back, the day she worried she'd lose them to? She didn't.

She'd talked with them at length about it, that's not what this story is about. To many people for me to manage. This is about the place they took her, that day when she told them she was going home. Some nothing café with tea and crumpets right-smackdab in the middle of busy pony central. Applejack thinks she's got some rhythm to her, a pattern, but she's got that all on the outside too.

Be it a whiff from a pot of coffee brewed by someone, I'm sure you'll guess who, the memory surfaced, and our mare in orange went looking for the origin. Not alone, of course, she gets not only a dashingly handsome companion for the journey, but her own narrator to influence as she choses.


Chapters (1)

twilight and the gang put on a play that tell story of a prince finding his true love which has a black velvet band tie to her hair
the cast
spike; the narrator
Shining Armor; prince Michael
Princess Cadace; the beautiful girl
big mac and sandbar; the store keepers
Dr Hooves and gallus; the cycle makers
fluutershy and rartiy; the florists
ballet jubilee berry star hoofer steps shining passion shuffle step strawberry swing waltzer as the ballet dancers
the cmc applejack rainbow dash pinkie pie trixie and starlight as the crowd

hope you like it and happy valentine day

(based on the wiggles song black velvet band)

Chapters (1)

Thorax has been having some chest pain lately. According to his doctor, he needs to limit his love intake.

Somehow, Anon is most affected by this.

Day #3 of Hearts and Hands Week 2025.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness

It is the day of the grand re-opening of the Bridlewood History Museum, now with Violette Rainbow's aunt, Scarlet Cloud, in charge. Violette is eager to spend the whole day with the Mane 6 while they search for any other clues as to where the next piece of the map to Skyros might be (since she thinks she might be able to make her own impact on history), but during their search, they are summoned by the Unity Crystals for another adventure.

This time, their latest mission brings them back to the town of Fernfield, Washington, where they reunite with their golden retriever pals-- Budderball, B-Dawg, Rosebud, Buddha and Mudbud-- for a high-stakes adventure that takes them halfway across the world to the ruins of ancient Egypt... a place the Mane 6 have actually visited before in one of their most previous Unity Quest missions

In a race to rescue Mudbud's human Pete, his grandpa Thomas, Violette's new zebra friend Skye and her mother Mariama from the plans of a wicked cat named Ubasti, the Buddies, the Mane 6, Violette and their new friends (a monkey named Babi, a fennec fox pup named Faith, a young lion cub named Tirako and a young camel named Cammy) must avoid booby traps, solve puzzles and explore a mysterious tomb-- all in search of the greatest treasure known to animalkind.

Can our heroes stop Obasti's true scheme before it's too late? And will Violette put her natural exploring skills to the test in ways she never imagined?

Packed with action, heart and tail-wagging lessons, G5 Adventures in Treasure Buddies unleashes a celebration of teamwork and friendship any MLP or Disney buff will enjoy again and again. 

(S4E5 of G5 Adventures)

Chapters (11)

Join matt crystal (aka me) as he have some fun adventure and pranks in equestria.

This takes place after keep calm and flutter on episode.

This contains: sing alongs, tricks, escapes and challenges

Chapters (1)

Smolder wants to enjoy a lovely dip in the lava pools. Spike on the other claw rather challenge the volcano itself!

Free 1k Commission For The Always Awesome SpikeSmolder fan.

Chapters (1)

This story is set after the events of "the death of Twilight Sparkle" though with a heavily modified continuity. I aim to bring everyone more in line with their canon selves.

This story was also thought up before her actual return in the series, and will be ignoring that. Sorry!

Flawless Sparklemoon had only known violence in her short time in Equestria, but even then she knew their must be more to life, and she deserved a chance to live. Desperately clinging on in a fading dream, what happens when someone finally shows her kindness?

Chapters (2)

Pinkie Pie(G3) and Minty have always been best friends. There’s not a pony in the world who could doubt their friendship. They’ll stick with each other through everything. And sometimes, good friends turn out to be even more than that.

Chapters (1)

Autumn Dawn hates being the gym coach for the Ponyville Highschool physical education teacher. From being used to having subordinates obeying her directly - to having to deal with teenagers.

Chapters (1)

Immediately after the Terrible Trio's defeat, Discord pushes himself (and his magic) to make amends and fix the damage caused by his mistakes.

Chapters (1)