Sad 2,631 members · 4,408 stories

Important Stuff

1.) Be constructive in the comments and message board. Trolling/Flaming comments will be removed.
2.) Put the stories in their most appropriate folders. Each story is allowed 1 folder
3.) This group accepts fiction from all ratings: including Everyone, Teen, and Mature
4.) Submitted stories need to be at least somewhat sad. That's the purpose of this group after all!

* We are not currently in need of more admins or moderators. Thank you for your interest!

Folder Information

Heartbreaking - This folder is for tearjerking stories - ones that will often make the reader want to burst into tears and hide in a corner for the rest of the day ...or week.
[Examples of Heartbreaking stories: My Little Dashie, I Couldn't Wake You, Because You Can Never Wake Up Again]

Bittersweet - This one's a bit ambiguous, as it can harness elements from either Heartbreaking and Light-Sad These stories often leave you smiling through tears
[Examples of Bittersweet Stories: Pony Psychology, Yours Truly]

Light-Sad - Not quite heartbreaking, but still relatively sad. These stories usually focus on an other tag, such as [Romance] or [Dark].
[Examples of Light-Sad Stories: The Party Hasn't Ended]

Undetermined - This folder is for incomplete stories that do not yet have a clear indication of how sad they'll turn out to be. Once one of these stories is completed, please move it to one of the other three folders.
[Examples of Undetermined Stories: Cherish]

Also note that 'sadness levels' within a story are completely subjective; so when you add a story, put it in the folder that you think the author was aiming for.

Comments ( 112 )
  • Viewing 93 - 112 of 112

Holy moly,that's a dark story indeed

Well in this group,we share sad stories and just uhhhhh- I guess talk about stuff?
I'm just new here so I really dont know yet
Hope this helps I guess :twilightsheepish:

Howdy all! I'm kinda new here and I know we will get along lol

How y'all doin? :twilightsmile:

Can someone tell me how to take a story out of a folder? I was trying to move one from undetermined to bittersweet but now its just in both :/

You could get someones opinion

How do I know how sad my story is?

If y'all don't mind, I could use some pre-reading on a story of mine! :twilightsheepish:

EOur Day in Disdain
Rainbow Dash is forced to confront the ghosts of her past and the life she left behind. Lest the one she built for herself crumbles in her hooves.
Rainb0w Dashie · 30k words  ·  43  7 · 1.4k views
Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted March 13th

Greeting, not sure if this is what you’re after but I tear up every time I think about it despite being the one who wrote it.

Hello everyone! I just joined your group and thought it would be polite to say hi. I hope you are having a wonderful day full of inspiration. :pinkiehappy: Could some of you perhaps help me with a question? See, I used to be a bit of a loner when it comes to writing and only recently decided to find out what the groups on FIMFiction have to offer. So… what usually happens in a group like this? I understand you can add stories to folders that correspond with the kind of story you have made. Can I do that right now or must I ask for permission? Should I announce my stories as well? Do you have any tips and tricks on how to make the most out of this group? I hope you can help me out. Thanks in advance! :twilightsmile:

Lots of love, :heart:



I analyzed my story and looking at the plans for the future chapters, I think i can add this to Light-Sad

Comment posted by Wingy San deleted Aug 5th, 2018

A story about Luna's suicide would be in heartbreaking, wouldn't it? I'm sorry I am a new user and really I don't have half an idea of what I am doing

Hey, just asking here but can someone move my story "The Rainbow Plushie" to either Light-Sad or Bittersweet as that's where I think it'll fit best.

I just added a new story, "The Lost Flower" to the light sad category but I am not too sure. If it's better in another area, I would be glad to have it changed.

That picture. It almost made me cry.

can someone make a story about the creepypasta ugly the cat like a hole story plz

i'll add a story as soon as i'm done with chapter 1 (hey that rhymed)
it's about a pony who, in saving her friend, loses her already questionable sanity
so... im gonna put it in undertermined or light-sad

I will add a story. Here's a small description about it.

What happens to ponies? Why do they suddenly snap? Break their walls and drown us in emotional pain? Why do some young poines die? Is it the texting and driving? The drugs? No...I can tell you firsthand. It's the bullying. The hate and disrespect that breaks hearts. And pushes them over the edge. This is it my suicide note. Good luck.

Get ready as this is a thrid/frist person 5 chapter story that will be exploring psychology of the depressed. :pinkiegasp::raritydespair::twilightoops:

  • Viewing 93 - 112 of 112