Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile Bay, Alabama; here you will see the South Dakota Class battleship USS Alabama, the Gato Class submarine USS Drum, the Aircraft Pavilion which houses military aircraft, helicopters,& vehicles, and war memorials too. This place also attracts tourists from Earth as well as tourists from Equestria.

But hey, it shouldn't be a problem having Equestrian families visit this place......right, Guys? Guys.....?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Phoenix-born Rising - The Ascension of Sunset Shimmer

Wandering the land, a lone traveler seeks riches new and old.
Though not something so trivial as mere silver or gold.
Her trade is in stories, from far and from wide,
Which one will you hear? That's for her to decide.
Wherever she's found, she will weave you a tale,
One collected along her meandering trail.
So relax, weary traveler, and lend her an ear,
For now Tales of Nitor, you are going to hear.

Splintered Sky - Tales of Nitor is an anthology of fairy tales, fables, and legends from across the lands of Impraecordia, gathered by the enigmatic wanderer Zecora, the Myth Keeper. Owing allegiance to none of the nations, she is always on the move, searching for new stories to add to her collection. Those who find her are offered a trade: one of her stories for one of theirs. New or old, it maters not. Only that the stories are told. And once she has her new tale, she will vanish once more, searching for the next one to add to her collection.

Now, her travels have brought her to you.

So sit, relax, and listen. For these are the Tales of Nitor.

Chapters (1)

[Originally written on 30th December 2024.]

You're happily married to Cinder Glow, your beloved kirin wife.

You wake up every morning next to her, cuddling her fuzzy and scaly barrel. Every morning devolves to something more intimate, before both of you have to get up to do your daily chores.

Contains: a cringy story title, fluff, mutual and sensual interspecies canoodling, and a kirin mare being pregnant from a human man.

The story takes place after Sounds of Silence.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna live very complex lives. Being the rulers of Equestria leaves many of the world's problems at their hooves, to say nothing of the intricacies that come with being two of the most powerful creatures alive. Their conduct is known throughout the land as proper, regal, and above all, wise. Everypony looks to them for guidance in times of turmoil. Everypony relies on them.

And everypony wonders what their ever-so-secret personal lives are like.

You are perhaps the only creature in the country that knows what goes on behind the perpetually closed doors of Canterlot Castle.

Turns out, it's just a taboo relationship between two princesses and their beloved human.

And snuggles.

Contains a poly relationship between the princesses and their human. In other words, there is princest in this story.

Written for Butterscotch.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Getting Rest Is Hard Work

In the dead of winter, the Ponyville Weather Team is obligated to bring in the cold. Tonight, it's frigid and frosty out there. However, the Carousel Boutique is nice and warm, mostly due to the mare that owns it.

And she'd like to spend this dreary evening with her special someone.

Knowledge of the previous story is not necessary to enjoy this one.

Rating for references to (but no depictions of) sexual content and some very intimate kissing/cuddling.

Chapters (1)

Five teenage girls coo over Anon, ignoring their other friends and family. Everyone else pleads guilty to being 'Spartacus-a-miss.'

Cover art credit: a friend drew this for me. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

It’s been a while since you’ve been to the old arcade that you frequented so much as a filly. It’s recently been bought out, and you decide to give it a visit, excited and nervous in equal measure to see what’s been changed.

Little do you know, you won’t leave the same pony you walk in as… provided you can leave at all.

Content warning: 2nd pony story containing unwilling weight gain, magical pinball machines, and the appearance of a rather mean unicorn. View discretion is advised.

I was very glad to see I haven’t lost my 2nd pony touch with this one. This story, as well as the aforementioned ‘mean’ unicorn, was inspired by a few stories starring a certain Midnight Star, and while my unicorn isn’t a witch, she sure rhymes with one…

Chapters (1)

What starts as a simple hike turns into an unexpected journey for Gallus and Smolder. With steep trails, biting banter, and the mountain itself testing their patience, the two find themselves facing more than just the climb ahead.

Cover art by xinjinjumin849632551102

Written for Scyphi for Jinglemas 2024!

Chapters (2)

In California, a human named James Peterson was on his way home from the store, but one day, everything changed as the five villains from my little pony friendship is magic and make your mark invade him home to live in the real world.

The villains are known as opaline arcana, queen chrysalis, lord tirek, king Sombra and cozy glow. Will he survive and get rid of the villains or the villains stay in his house and become a human slave forever?

Story cutscenes based on Raymond raging rabbids tv.

Chapters (1)