Anonymous and Lyra's happy life--to be honest, I really want to taunt him.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle appears before you, from the real Equestria or not you do not know, all you know is she's ready to give you hope and she feels nice like the galloping of horses in a valley of grass.

Chapters (2)

Pinkie is a normal party pony... or so she thought until recently. But now she has learned she was born with the darkest kind of magic: Blood Magic. A magic that is known for it's darkness and corruption. A magic that, if in the wrong hooves, could kill off all of Ponykind. However, Pinkie was born with the power in her blood. A power that could be used for evil... but could also be used for good.

But how can Pinkie ever trust her power? How can she be sure she can keep her promise to Princess Celestia: Protect Equestria at any cost, even her own life? How can she be trusted... when she doesn't even trust herself?

And who is this mysterious pony that is trying to steal the Element of Laughter? Is he or she a new villain, or an old enemy, back from the dead to finish what he started? Or is he or she trying to send Pinkie a message?

Content warning: Lesbian characters, fear, mind control, insults, self-doubt

MTGNexus set link: Shattered: the Magic The Gathering set

Chapters (8)

Celestia has been around for generations in Equestria.

But why do images of her always have her with a pink mane and tail. Not her glorious pastel rainbow colors like the sun rising on a summer morning?

For you, this is quite the conundrum. There has to be a reason for it. You are going to figure it out.

7/17/2024 Featured. I am at a loss for words. Thank you so much ya'll <3

Another anon and celly fic.
Cover Art by me once again.

Chapters (1)

Grogar has returned.

The goat from fabled myth has returned to the land of Equestria. Planning to ascend from his hiding place to take over the land.

His target is the royal sisters. Without any knowledge of his existence either, he begins his first move.

Too bad that the only thing standing in his way, is you.


A guard anon story that I started a few months back.
Cover art by me.

Chapters (1)

You find a seed. But what are you going to do with it?

Cover art by vulthuryol00.

A Slice of Life entry in the A Thousand Words Contest III.

Chapters (1)

When Princess Celestia had no student to thwart Nightmare Moon’s return, the Nightmare rose to power again. Centuries later, a relic of her reign remains, if ponies might learn from it.

An entry in the A Thousand Words Contest III, in the Experimental category.

Chapters (7)

... Especially when said character is Pinkie freakin’ Pie.

Thankfully, you’ve got more than enough spicy water to black this one out.

An entry for the thousand word contest‘s comedy category.

Chapters (1)

Today, it is your royal duty to deliver the Princess's Speech, at the State Opening of the Equestrian Parliament.

The Crown weighs heavy on your head. Traditions must be followed, exactly. And you can not, even for a second, show any emotion.

The eyes of the Parliament and all Equestria are upon you. Just breathe. And read.

No pressure, right?


An entry for the Thousand Words Contest III for "Slice of Life" and "Experimental" (Use of second person? And not a self-insert? :pinkiegasp:)

Preread by TheDriderPony. Cover Art by AfterGlory.

Chapters (1)