• Member Since 19th May, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Brony, terrible OC, attorney, pseudonymous, geek, Catholic, gamer, almost-not-quite-novelist, fic writer, highly amateur VA, smartass, etc.

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That's more than enough to be called a friend. :twilightsmile:

I plan on having a memorium of sorts in my server if you're interested, also likely next week/weekend. Is probably going to be a voice call or something similar. We also have movie nights and some of Josh's other friends are there, as well, if you're interested and use Discord. :pinkiesmile:

Excited to hear about the QnS.


Hi Navel:

I didn't know Josh well, we met at a couple of conventions and regularly talked on Discord. But he was basically the one who got me into writing FiMFics, told me about Quills and Sofas, edited some of my stories. I wish I had gotten to know him better.

As one of the contest-running folks over at QnS now, I'm trying to plan some sort of writing tribute to him, tentatively scheduled for next weekend (April 29-30). Please keep me apprised of any memorial pages/story stuff happening.

Thanks for being a friend to Josh. I've been on a bit of a crusade to find those I remember him mentioning, and who really stuck out in his memorium post. If you'd ever like to chat, let me know. :heart:

Thanks for the fave :twilightsmile:

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