After a cataclysmic event resulting in Equestria being converted into a vast desert, under the guidance of the pharaoh of the sun, ponies have fled to the sanctuary of the walled cities. Neo Somnambula is one such city.
Follow Tansha as she performs a job for her fixer, Spike to retrieve a stolen VR-program from one of the local street gangs. Little does she know that there is more going on behind the scenes, involving the original client who bought the program and an undercover Horizon Knight.
What has Tansha gotten herself into?
I had a bunch of these images of both Egyptian and cyberpunk architecture flowing through my mind. So, after some pondering, I came up with a setting that hopefully you all will enjoy.
This story contains: Suggestive themes/elements, an alternate post-apocalyptic distopian future Equestria, cyberpunk elements, Egyptian elements, alternate versions of some of your favorite characters, and themes involving death and immortality.
This story was featured on 11/27/2024.
Cover Art by: Spectra_Sus.
Proofread by: NiCkY.
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