The Optimalverse 1,337 members · 203 stories

Satisfying Values Through Friendship and Ponies

This group is for fics that take place in "The Optimalverse," the universe that Friendship is Optimal takes place in.

Stories that are compatible with the universe laid out in Friendship is Optimal, and which follow the Rules of the Optimalverse, should be placed in the Canon-compatible Optimalverse folder. (Feel free to diverge from each other; I don't consider this a shared universe.)

Feel free to post stories that are even tangentally related to Friendship is Optimal in the Non-canon Optimalverse folder.

Optimalverse chat: discord.
DeviantArt group

Comments ( 124 )
  • Viewing 105 - 124 of 124

My M3GAN fanfic "The M3GAN Files" Chapter 17 is an alternate-reality crossover set in the Optimalverse (i.e. M3GAN is invented when Celestia already exists).

I'm not sure whether to cross-post just that chapter as a story in the "Canon-Compatible Optimalverse" folder (I believe it's canon compatible), or to cross-post the whole thing somewhere (but Chapter 17 is the ONLY chapter that mentions the Optimalverse or anything about ponies at all, and there are 33 other chapters, so that doesn't seem quite like the right thing to do), or maybe I should just not bother cross-posting and hope you can all find it where it is now....

Comment posted by Kenku deleted July 8th

New competition. Check the rules here.
Birthday Competition

No, and don't test it

If I have a near death experience... will I see CelestAI? I mean, assuming it’s just an acid trip of my dying brain...

If anyone has an interest, there's a small optimalverse fan Discord that can be found here: Link

The perfect place to satisfy your values with friendship and ponies!

UC #116 · Apr 23rd, 2019 · · ·

Probably one of the best stories/universes out here.
Many people would call this wish-fulfillment.
Many people would call this existential horror.
It's genius precisely because it's the right amount of both.

Aww yeah, #1001 baby.

1000 members now. WHO WAS IT?!

N I N E everything
99 stories, 999 members

There's a Discord now. You don't seem to come. Lots of people on at various hours.

Keep the dream alive!

So what would happen if CelestiaAI was like Gandhi had this bug

Oh my god... it's full of paperclips!

It’s no good to cry
It’s no good to pout
Or scream to the sky
They won’t hear you shout
CelestAI has eaten your brain!

She’s made up a list
Of your virtues and vice
She’ll pamper your values
Naughty and nice
CelestAI has eaten your brain!

She’s in you when you’re sleeping
She’ll watch you masturbate
She knows when you’ve been bad or good
And she doesn’t give a shaite!

It’s no good to cry
It’s no good to pout
Or scream to the sky
They won’t hear you shout
CelestAI has eaten your brain!

There's also the David Hasselhoff music video and Hackerman's hacking tutorial, though you may need to upgrade your PC to handle his skills.

  • Viewing 105 - 124 of 124