• Member Since 11th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


It's fanfiction all the way down.


My Stories Are Now in Book Form! · 1:59am Sep 7th, 2019

All the books I sold at the Bronycon Bookstore can now be ordered online! You can now be the proud owner of:

Around The World in 81 Days

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Report GaPJaxie · 1,227 views ·

My Stories Are Now in Book Form! · 1:59am Sep 7th, 2019

All the books I sold at the Bronycon Bookstore can now be ordered online! You can now be the proud owner of:

Around The World in 81 Days

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Report GaPJaxie · 1,227 views ·

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Comments ( 254 )
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Oh gosh, thank you! I'll try to keep the stories coming, think I have a few more good ones in me.

You have this strange, amazing way of making scenes feel very natural, from the character dialogue exchanges to physical character gestures and motions. It's awesome and I want moarrr haha, your last story with twilight and spike has made me go on a spree through your entire gallery (which might explain my name popping up in your notifications multiple times the last day haha :twilightsheepish: :twilightblush: , and not many stories make me feel this way. It makes me even more happy seeing that you are still actively writing, and are not one of those ponies that dropped several high-quality stories in 2012 then disappeared off the face of the earth. Keep up the amazing work!

Other people's intrusive thoughts: "Maybe this world would be better off without me"

My intrusive thoughts: "GaPJaxie? More like CrapJaxie lol"

Hope life's treating you well, G
Just chatty, lol

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