• Member Since 7th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Stories about ponies are stories about people. Every challenge is an opportunity to change. My Patrons let me keep writing, at: https://www.patreon.com/RealStarscribe

Recent Work


I've joined the growing list of authors on Patreon! If you'd like to help support my content, please become a contributor! The following users have already become my generous sponsors:

Two Bit, Sparktail, horacio55555 , Goldfur, Tanis, Azereath, JackTheQuiet, Lightwavers, DoomManta, TyrannisUmbra, Crysm, HMage, Kalizecora, Stormy Skies, Alden MacManx, Kalros, Shadow Quill, Nightsclaw, Keytiri, FanOfMostEverything, Sub-Lt Skydreams, WuBzY, Keve1227, Antiharmonic, Ciber, Lotharin, Princess Skitzy, yrfoxtaur, Yumi, EncoreTheBatpony, Noctus Custodi, Arnulfo Wolf, Flink, Goodluckfox, MouseBoy, CoolBreeze, CalmAndInsane, Don't Stop Me Now, Ryonia Coruscare, iisaw, Pensive, Boopy Doopy, DocFlareon, Skittlebug, CloudMiner, Lucid Storm, Bloons3, Tacocat598, gagiotter, Mr B, and NandN.

There are lots more of you, but I haven't received permission to link to your profiles yet (as per fimfiction's rules). A huge thanks to all these users who make my continued pony-writing possible.

For anyone who would like a story all at once instead of waiting for installments, I also offer commissions! Feel free to drop me a PM for the info!


I've been asked several times to explain what I've written. When you've got three million words published somewhere, it can get daunting to someone who has no idea how to approach it. I hope to be able to explain everything I've done here, in a way that's accessible for a new reader.


While most of what I've done on Fimfiction has been in the form of serial fiction with lots of sequels and side-stories, I've also told several stories that are complete narratives unto themselves. I'll resist going too long here, and restrict myself to a single sentence about each one.

Message in a Bottle
A hard-scifi adventure story that looks at what the future of human space exploration might look like, if one hapless probe landed on a place that looks like Equestria. At first.
Luna is a Harsh Mistress
The ongoing story of what would've happened if Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon with her entire invading army, instead of going by herself.
Second Sunset
What happened to the human Sunset Shimmer when the pony arrived on earth to take her place.
Through the Aurora
The ongoing story of a human programmer swept up into an atmospheric experiment to arrive in Equestria as a hippogriff and somehow find her way home again.
Elements of Harmony
When Starlight Glimmer rewrote the timeline, the consequences were a cascade of disasters that erased the peaceful Equestria that Twilight Sparkle knew. Somehow, she has to put everything back on her own.
Another hard-scifi, this one looking at a likely future of increasing IoT contentedness and augmented reality, in a world where every human is assisted by a an AI pony called a Synth that interfaces them with their digital world.
Friendship Abroad
A freak storm drops the Young Six in the United Kingdom, and relations with the locals quickly take a turn for the worse.
Voyage of the Equinox
An ongoing CYoA space adventure story about the first Equestrian interstellar voyage.
Strange Alchemy
A Noir investigator tracks down some of the strangest mysteries in Canterlot's seedy underbelly.
Secrets of the Mane Six
An urban fantasy story where Twilight discovers that her closest friends aren't what they seem.
The history of Equestria is actually one fabricated by ancient human powers. Now they've returned to collect on their investment.

Last Pony on Earth Series

Perhaps my best known work on Fimfiction, this series begins as a survivalist fiction, telling the story of a former human who awakes transformed into a pony, practically alone in her former city. This series follows her and the other survivors over many years, as magic and technology change society in many different ways for the refugees who return from old earth.

The Last Pony on Earth
Founders of Alexandria
The Eternal Lonely Day
Earth Without Us
Bedtime Stories

This series also includes a number of side-stories, which can be read anytime after Eternal Lonely Day. Each of them focuses on some specific aspect of the world, such as what Earth looked like during the period of changeling rule (Evoli Victorious), or what it might be like to return as a Breezeie (Little Problems). One tells the story of what the second collapse of civilization looked like, and what life became under the rule of a superhuman AI (Meliora). Knight of Wands is difficult to explain, and should be read last.
Evoli Victorious
Little Problems
Knight of Wands

Friendship Is Optimal

This fan-universe within MLP lore chronicles one possible scenario of what the world might look like if the technological singularity occurred at the hooves of a AI designed to "satisfy human values through friendship and ponies." [See the original by Iceman here if you haven't].

I come from a Computer Science background myself, and at first I was driven by a desire to see my own experience better reflected in the stories of this little universe (Futile Resistance). Then I wanted to tell the story of the people left behind in the first story (Broken Things), and touch on AR and some other emerging technologies the original left out.

Life Support tells the story of terminally ill children fighting for their chance to emigrate. After that, I wanted to talk about what someone with tons of money might do if they saw the end of the world coming (Momento Mori). Then I wrote about what Celestia might do with GPS devices to capture people otherwise reluctant to Emigrate (Recalculating). I'm currently writing about what pirates and hackers might do with Equestria, and what Celestia would do with them (Homebrew).

Futile Resistance
Broken Things
Life Support
Memento Mori
Optimal Game Master
Memory of Forever
Drowning in the Digital Sea

My Little Apprentice Series

This series represents my earliest writing on Fimfiction, though I'm still proud of this little story. My Little Apprentice tells the story of a desperate survivor arriving in Equestria from a post-apocalyptic earth. Her home isn't dead, though--the war goes on, between two deadly transhumanist factions. Will the conflict destroy Equestria as well?
My Little Apprentice
Harmony Defended

As time went on, this universe acquired a number of side-stories, which chronicle other parts of the world. One of those tells the story of Nightmare Moon's rise to power in this strange world of technological cross-contamination (Evening Star Also Rises), while another describe's Sunset's arrival on Earth (Steel Solstice) and her eventual contributions to the war (Sunset Campaign). A few tell other, more subdued stories, like Lyra's contact with humanity (Can you Hear Me Now) or what a post-war future might look like (Pax Humana).
Evening Star Also Rises
Steel Solstice
Can You Hear Me Now?
The Sunset Campaign
Pax Humana

Friendly Fire Series

This little series began its life as a quick contest entry, but grew into my first attempt writing a thriller story. It describes a world where Equestrian lore and magic is a hostile pattern, which transforms all humans who see it into creatures who can use magic themselves. It follows the twists and turns as various powers on Earth and Equestria fight over the future of mankind.

Friendly Fire
Unwilling Recruit

A story taking place entirely in Equestria but showing the relationship between changelings and ponies in this world is also ongoing.
Child of the Invasion

The Last Migration

The deeply political story of Equestria's world divided by a catastrophic volcanic eruption, which pits Equestria against a hostile neighbor with far more experience in war.
The Last Migration
The First Republic

Comments ( 223 )
  • Viewing 219 - 223 of 223

How are you gentlemen !!

All your base are belong to us.

Scared noises

Just added a bunch more stories off your list to my "to read" shelf and I wanted to say that I have loved every single one of them, have a great day. <3

I just wanted to share some recent speculation about a solution to the Fermi paradox: https://youtu.be/l3whaviTqqg
It seems reasonable to me, but another source went further. They pointed out that NASA has given telescope time to astronomers looking for galaxies that are too dim for the amount of heat they radiate, the idea being that an advanced civilization would build Dyson swams and otherwise use far more of their star's energy. (No results yet)

The idea put forward was that even this still isn't advanced enough. The line of thinking runs like this: what would a primitive tribe of hunter gatherers do if they stumbled across a burning oil well like Kuwait during the gulf war? Probably use it for cooking and staying warm through the winter. How about a bronze age civilization? They would treat it as a foundry, maybe boil salt water to make drinking water. In both cases, settlements would form around the burning well.

Now, what did an advanced civilization Actually do in 1990?

The put out the fires and caped the wells! That's fuel going up in flames!

What if the reason we don't see aliens is because any truly advanced civilization looks ahead to the endless yawning blackness of the ever colder future? Because they know fuel is scarce, and to them a star is like a exon gas station engulfed in flames? What if the mark of civilization in the sky is an ever expanding patch of blackness as they put out burning infrastructure and extinguish the stars?


Hi! I don't have anything of substance to say, I just really really like your stories! They make me laugh and smile!

  • Viewing 219 - 223 of 223
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