• Member Since 9th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Boopy Doopy

My writing slowly improves, I believe. I hope to be an even better writer tomorrow. Feel free to join my Discord.

Blog Posts

  • 2 weeks

    I am at TrotCon.
    That is all.

    4 comments · 75 views
  • 7 weeks
    Unfinished Stories

    Make me sad. I have several. But I am still working on them, all of them, I promise. It's just taking longer than I hoped. Need to get back in the right mindset. Even though it feels like that mindset has been lost for a good year or so, but I hope to recapture it! Every single story that is unfinished will be finished because it bugs me to have unfinished stories. I do have endings planned for every single one of them. Although some of them are much closer to ending than others. Perhaps I

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    3 comments · 147 views
  • 14 weeks
    Lasting Memories Book For Sale!

    That's right, a physical copy of Lasting Memories is available for purchase, over at... Starscribe's website! I would like to thank Starscribe for being so kind as to allow me to sell my book through them, and I am hopeful that they'll allow me to sell future books through them as well. As for the actual book, I think it looks great! I got the physical copy in a few weeks ago, and it's

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    6 comments · 198 views
  • 16 weeks
    FiO: Rebirth

    I have the story completely outlined, I'd expect it to be about 30k words, staring Lost Legacy visiting Kimberly, South Africa in the year 2030 and interacting with the humans of the Outer Realm as humanity slowly dwindles on its last legs.

    0 comments · 103 views
  • 18 weeks
    One last FiO story

    I might do one last (long, novel length) FiO story, just to tie up everything about Summer's Edge. If I do, it'll be a direct sequel to both Changing Tides and Third Wheel, following the Equestrian born pony Lost Legacy, who is disillusioned with Equestria, Celestia, and satisfaction, and so spends time in the Outer Realm (sometime in the 2030s to 2050s) to try to find satisfaction and meaning where he sees none.

    It would be titled FiO: Rebirth

    1 comments · 122 views

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About Me

Name: Boopy Doopy
Age: 24
Gender: Girl
Occupation: Insurance Agent
Education: Associate's Degree
Hobbies: Reading/Writing/Guitar Hero/Football

I write stuff. I like to think I'm pretty okay at it, but I'm kinda not. Prone to severe procrastination. Reading comments is what I live for, whether on my story or on other people's stories.

Favorite Food: Spicy Garlic Hot Wings
Favorite Drink: Water
Favorite Color: Dark Green
Favorite Book: Me And My Little Brain (John D. Fitzgerald)
Favorite Book Series: Pendragon (D.J. MacHale)
Favorite Story on FimFiction: Oh To Be Old Again/Shadow of a Doubt/Forbidden Places
Favorite Band: Soundgarden
Favorite Song: Hummer (Smashing Pumpkins)
Favorite TV Show: My Little Pony/Better Call Saul/Squid Game
Favorite Movie: Cool Cat Saves The Kids/Spirited Away
Favorite MLP Character: Starlight Glimmer/RedHeart/Cheerilee/Holiday
Favorite MLP Episode: Yakity-Sax
Favorite MLP Season: Eight
Favorite MLP Ship: StarBurst/Sombra x Radiant Hope/LoftyDay

Comments ( 57 )
  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57

Oh my GOD Boopy, I can’t BELIVE you’d DO something lLIKE THAT! That is 1984 written by THE George Orwell! I demand an apology this instant!

I forgot to post it. Put it on my discord but not my blog, sorry :c

Where’s your August 2022 calendar?

Thank you very much! I appreciate the kind words!

I absolutely love your stories! They always are so well written 💖💖💖

  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57
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