• Member Since 21st Oct, 2014
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Snakeskin Ducttape

Ooooh! Butunz!

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A personal social museum · 12:07pm Nov 22nd, 2021

Hey, everyone. Sorry for being so quiet lately. I've been a little tired in general, and I've wanted to take a break from fanfiction for a while, not a big break, mind you, just for a few weeks, and I've sort of been doing that, but I've also checked in most days to check comments, and nagging myself that I should write, so... it's like the worst of both worlds, not doing anything, but also not relaxing and not worrying about not doing anything.

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Glad to hear it :twilightsmile:

I should reread it myself at some point.

Sorry for not responding earlier. I've been taking a light hiatus from writing. I don't know if you're interested in my current story, but I'm making progress on the upcoming chapter for that one as well.

Just finished binge rereading MLAABQ again. Man, what a ride, every time.

No, it was just generic exposure to filth. I've had several jobs like that, it's just that one time was really bad. People who work around mold will recognise this.

Hope you like it :twilightsmile:

I don't know what that could be. Did you ever get it checked?

And I shall read these horse words... after some sleep.

At least workaholism makes you money, rather than costing it. The most sick I've been was something I don't know if there's a name for, just all the symptoms of a cold or flu, but really bad, from working filthy jobs.

Horse words were released, currently waiting to see if anyone has any thoughts to share about it :eeyup:

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