• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen July 13th


Bored of waffles, can I get a hug to go?

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MLP MOVIE!!!!!!! · 11:08pm May 15th, 2019

I know I am late on the band wagon but that movie is amazing :'3 I love it :'D

Tempest is Best Pony <3 <3 <3 Derpy/Ditzy is still best Princess <3

Report twidashloverxox · 270 views ·
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fellow twidash enthusiast


Awwww, thanks :') I don't get spammed with much of anything tbh

Wazzup? I'd compliment your channel but you probably get spammed with good things already.
oh screw it! I'm complimenting your channel anyways! Your channel is great and I love the story. FYI: I saw you on a youtube video. which one was it? oh yeah. The birthday one. I think I'm rambling again. Oh well.
Hope to see ya soon.

P. S. Just call 'One'

2373862 hey Sweetie pie xxoxxoxxx

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