Twilestia is Bestia 3,285 members · 959 stories

Other ships just CAN'T COMPARE.

Why? Because Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle share one of the greatest relationships in Friendship is Magic. This group is all about fans of the two celebrating and exploring that relationship - and there's plenty to explore. Whether you'd like to join one of our three shipping prompt collabs, join or start a contest, browse our selection of stories or add your own, there are dozens of ways to explore the magical bond between these two magical characters.

Whether you're a romantic at heart, relish their close familial relationship, or simply want a glimpse into the possible days they shared in the Academy, there's something for you here.

If you have any concerns about anything you see in the group, leave a post in the rules thread or message our mods, Varanus, Knight Of Cerebus, Fuzzyfurvert or JKinsley.

The winner of the last bimonthly Twilestia contest is Pancakes by fluttermoontree! Be sure to give it a look if you haven't already! The contest prompt was "Eternity".

Comments ( 163 )
  • Viewing 144 - 163 of 163

Congratulations to Moose Whisker for taking third place in the Thirteen Bimonthly Twilestia contest with her story Monster. Excellent work to all the participants, and we look forward to more soon!

Congratulations to Coronet The Lesser for taking third place in the Twelfth Bimonthly Twilestia Contest with Who Wants To Live Forever?

As an aside, I can't add the usual exclamation point to the end of this post after the story title because then it would make an interrobang and look like I was shocked the story won instead of happy for them. So I'll just add it here!

Comment posted by Anonymous Changeling deleted May 27th, 2022
Comment posted by frankaderb deleted Oct 15th, 2022

This is the best comment I've ever read 😂

some people say that this ship is gross bc they can see celestia more as a mother to twilight ...but then yall go on porn hub and search "hot step mom fucks her son"💀👍🏻 chile anyways so

Hey every pony, HeartShatter here. I just wanna know. I think Dracula the Musical - Song thirteen 'The longer I live' goes with this pairing. My question to you guys what do you guys think and what song do you think goes with this pairing. ;)

This is my personal favorite ship! I can't but think that they would make a great couple. The story ideas are simply endless! I was lucky enough to have a friend of mine draw a few photos of these two mares. Wish I could share them all with you. I'm actually working on a Twilestia story myself! I consider it my magnum opus of any "My Little Pony" stories that I've written.

This always was a cute ship.

So much new Twilestia fuel! :twilightsmile:

Found a couple days to reread my faved Twilesties. Lovely =^_____^=

Is that a new banner I see?

Congrats to Karrakaz on taking second place in the Eighth Bimonthly Twilestia Contest with Minding The Little Ones! The prompt was "Twilestia children".

Comment posted by The Derpy Division deleted Oct 5th, 2015

Congratulations to Foals Errand for taking third place in the Seventh Bimonthly Twilestia Contest with The Twilight of Her Singularity!

Also be sure to check out the group post soon to be made about the second place winner and the first place winner's link at the bottom of the group page!

Comment posted by derpydad deleted May 12th, 2015

I have a group called Bronies for Life and I'm looking for new members. If you are interested, just tap the link. Thank you!

Congratulations to Karrakaz's Sizable Differences and corvipony's Alone (You Are Not Alone) for respectively taking second and third place in the Sixth Bimonthly Twilestia Contest. Don't forget to check out the latest one for some free advertisement and a potential to win an interview with one of our more prominent members!

382587 Yeah the possibilities are endless and I am always up for Twilunestia. I would think Twilight would be a night pony and if she hadn't been taken in as Celestia's student, with her magic I could totally see her as a high ranking night guard like her brother is for Celestia.

  • Viewing 144 - 163 of 163