• Member Since 16th May, 2015
  • offline last seen May 2nd, 2022

The Derpy Division

With a force of a thousand Derpys we shall conqueror the world. Nothing can stop us from our dreams of free muffins for the world. (Twilestia is Bestia)


Depression. · 1:29pm Jun 16th, 2016

Depression is an odd thing as it leads you to do stupid things, i know becasue i've been there twice now. First attempt was with bleach, i spent 2 months in a hospital afterwards and all i felt was shame and disappointment of myself. My most recent attempt i jumped of a bridge and by some miracle i survived.

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Report The Derpy Division · 433 views ·

Nickelback - Feed The Machine · 4:10pm Feb 3rd, 2017

They actually produce something I really like.

Report The Derpy Division · 598 views ·
Comments ( 130 )
  • Viewing 126 - 130 of 130

Thanks for the fave on "Music In the Night"!

Thank you for favouriting "Backstage Affair"! :scootangel:

Shit, I forgot to follow you in response to helping me out with my story...

Well, there you go!

Hey, thanks for the follow! Why would you decide to make such a mistake? :heart:

  • Viewing 126 - 130 of 130
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