World War Bronies 736 members · 129 stories

For any brony out there who wishes to find any stories out there that has anything to do with the First World War, Second World War, or anything besides them. Be it music from the eras (or even music about the eras), discussions of various events that happened during the wars in the forums, discussion about movies that have portrayed the veterans of the wars, or just a place to sit back, relax, and read a story about one of your favorite subjects. The World Wars and MLP:FiM.

Rules of the Group
- Stories in folders will be broken up by what armies of a certain country is focused on the most, and if two or more countries are equally focused on, will be put in the last folder (Entire World).

- Anyone caught harassing (in any way, be it bullying, or something worse) other members of the group will be given a warning at first, and if they continue to do so, will be kicked out of the group.

-The Featured Page folder is meant for stories that have been on the feature page and only that. Any story that isn't meant to be there will be removed.

- Any other rules that can be thought of will later be posted.

- Not exactly a rule, but Canada, Australia, and New Zealand will be placed in the same folder as Great Britain, as they were still under the rule of the British Empire at the time.

- If you believe a folder is missing, please place a comment below telling which country you wish to be added.

-Even if related to the World Wars in anyway, sadly, if a story has a higher dislike rating than like rating, said story will not be allowed into the folders. I do this to keep the 'best' stories out there and to promote them for more people to see.

Comments ( 54 )
  • Viewing 35 - 54 of 54

I’ve got bad news. Mkchief34 has deleted his story because he cannot continue. I ask that one of you to revise it with the idea of having the CMC enter the USSR for help in 1945 and will give Starlight Glimmer the chance to spread equality to Equestria.

It’s sad but it seems like all the stories here could be considered officially dead. I liked the WW2 stories these were some of the first I got into on fimfiction and as I’ve noticed over the years the stories grow rarer and rarer as the fandom of FiM breaks apart. If y’all have stories that share these plot lines WW2 something ends up in Equestira please point me in that direction. Until then I’d like to thank all the author that did these stories here or not for the small reads I did get out of em and hopefully one day I’ll see these meet their end either good or bad.

this from 1933 to 1947

nope this group looks dead as fuck to me

Comment posted by Tiber Septim II deleted Jul 28th, 2021

hey guys, I just remembered a story where Americans, Japanese, nazis, soviets get teleported into the equestrian universe and they fight shadows or something, it has a sequel, I don't remember its name tho

Is this still a living group? If so, I would like to add a story, but it says something about needing permission.

411816 Wait, nevermind. Figured it out.

Help I accidentally added my story to requests I didn't mean to do that!!

Hey are Korean War stories allowed?

349362 Der Kommissar geht um!

I made a story that took alot of WWII experience and games like Brothers in Arms, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan and all the other things that I don`t want to talk about. Can I still post it to this group?

Is this mainly a World War group because I`m onto WWII


384179 Righto, thanks for the suggestion.

380930 It may be a little late, but try "Minor" Allied Nations.


Not entirely sure where to put a story set in occupied France. The occupying German forces are not the focus, and only serve as a barrier to the protagonists, who are in themselves civilians. Put it in Free France for now. Anyone with a better plan is welcome to voice it.

Canada fought as part of the British Commonwealth and were equpied with US and British fighters and bombers such as the Hurricane, Spitfire, Warhawk, THunderbolt and Mustang

I have an idea for a fic with two World War I pilots coming to Equestria. Not sure how i'm gonna get it down though since i have other fics to work on atm.

358637 Anything that the English used the kanucks used too.

  • Viewing 35 - 54 of 54