• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 12th, 2016


Everyone's least favorite.


Fuck it. · 5:46am Mar 12th, 2016

I'm really just done. If you actually still care, follow me here


Or here


Otherwise, bye. This site just brings out the worst in me with all the constant assholery I see every time I come here. Bye. I'm not coming back.

And yes, I do know I'm a horrible person.

Report R-ootie · 725 views ·

Under Construction

Sorry about that.

Comments ( 394 )
  • Viewing 390 - 394 of 394

Root, after what you did to PPP I never liked you. I'm glad you're gone.

Taken out of context this makes me seem like an ass... and I might be one. But you don't know what happened. So this is me, in the end, smiling. :twilightsmile:


2160463 They couldn't take being on this site anymore. Even with almost 200 followers.

Wait, why'd they get banned?

  • Viewing 390 - 394 of 394
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