• Member Since 9th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen April 9th


appledash lover, and not too much else.


hey yall · 6:05pm Sep 19th, 2018

Whats happening with you guys? I haven't really been on here much, lmao. But i guess i'm here for the time being. I should probably be doing homework right now, but eh. High school's neat, I've just started my sophomore year, which is wild. I think I made this account like... sixth grade or something? So it's been around a while, not that I use it much. The actual writing I was doing on here is pretty terrible imo, but I was writing at least. I remember the people on here being really chill as

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My name is Lily (but you can also call me Violet), I'm nineteen, and I've been periodically drifting in and out of the MLP fandom since fifth grade. I'm bi and I primarily use she/her pronouns, but honestly, anything goes, I literally do not care.

I love all of the mane six, but Rainbow Dash is definitely my favorite. I'm very fond of Rarity and Applejack as well, which is kind of funny, since they used to be my least favorite characters when I was younger. It's a wonder what some really good fanfiction will do to your perception of a character, ya know?

Some ships I like are AppleDash, TwiJack, RariJack, FlutterDash, TwiDash, ScootaBelle, and PinkieDash, but again, a good fanfiction that's to my tastes regarding pretty much any (appropriate, non-creepy) ship could draw me in. I've read some good TwiShy and AppleShy that I remember fondly, but it's not a dynamic I search out.

Anyway, feel free to shoot me a PM about anything. I'm probably not going to finish any of my old stories on here (let's be real, they're pretty much exclusively garbage), but I might start something new. I like to think that my writing's improved since I last posted.

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