• Member Since 31st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 14th, 2015

Door Matt

Who's up for a nice game of Cards? Anyone?

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Door Matt's Marvellous Mad May of Madness Month · 9:42pm Apr 22nd, 2015

Evenin' all.

I haven't been jolly active as of late (for a variety of reasons) and I plan to change that in a rather big way. Mostly because I feel slightly guilty that everyone who took the time to follow me is getting diddly squat to show for it.

So then, what's the plan? Introducing: Door Matt's Marvellous Mad May of Madness Month.

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Pieces of Genius

Comments ( 47 )
  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47

A better question would be--


The answer to that question is long and strange indeed.

Out of everything she could have been... why is Twilight a Reaper?

  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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