Prince Blueblood is convinced that Tempest Shadow is up to something, but getting her to confess will require drastic measures... involving flowers and candlelight dinners...?
A stallion more willing to brave the Everfree Forest than spend the holidays at home. A mare for whom that IS her home. A search from something unseen for far too long. A cup of tea. All the standard requirements for a love story.
As the war with the Changelings drags on, Prince Blueblood has finally secured the safe desk job he always wanted miles from the front. Until a swarm is sighted just outside Ponyville...
All Rarity wanted on her train trip to Canterlot was peace and quiet. Instead, she's stuck with Prince Blueblood and his very punchable face. But when he starts explaining his behavior at the Gala, she realizes that appearances can be deceiving...