Give Blueblood Some Character! 606 members · 453 stories

What do we know about Prince Blueblood?

Well, he's appeared in two episodes so far. He's had a speaking role in one of 'em. He's an example of the traditional snobbish, abrasive nobleman archetype. And... he was kind of a jerk to Rarity?

Yeah, he's probably the flattest, least-developed antagonist on the show. Trixie knew she was a liar and a fraud, Discord was an entertaining goofball, and Chrysallis had mouths to feed. But Blueblood? Nothing. We don't know why he is the way he is, what his motivations are, what he wants to do with his life...

Fortunately, through the Magic of Fanfiction, we can change that.

Got a story to tell about everyone's least favorite member of the inexplicable royal caste? Post it here!

Comments ( 30 )
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Is it okay to post a story here if Blueblood is mainly a minor character? As long as he meets the qualifications of being more fleshed out/less shallow?

387920 Since I finally got the story approved, I posted it on this group.

I just started to work on a story of and with our Prince featured. This time around, I will see him alive.

The story is partially inspired by the Episode of Gilda the Brushof. Apparently, it took merely a few words to convice her togive the Griffon a new chance and to throw her a party. Why not give our Prince the same. It is up to him if he enjoy the show, or walks out on us, right? Even if gilday did walk out.

Just need to test his vanity and see where this is taking us.

315514 more character and substance, but no more reason for his action?

I only have one story where he was in, he did not make it too well, so I guess the story is not to be featured in here.
There are still more ships to set sail, so maybe he is the captain of the next, what ever the destiny may be.

You sure had him surrounded there. he is even more flat then the flash in the EQg1, not that he was popular for it.

There are a few others who were less than nice, including the goons in Daring Don't, was the name of the episode?

I'm in the process of making a story for Blueblood, but I'd like a beta-reader or two to look at it to make sure it's as good as possible.

Anyone willing to take a look at it?

Is there a category in this group for him still being an asshole, but one exaggerated to the point of comedy? Like in Ask Blueblood? Because if there isn't, there should be.

341485 Ahh. I don't know how I didn't catch that. You even had Pinkie at the end...:twilightoops:

341484 Just... Making a reference to the show. it's the same pairing, just different names.

340727 I'm... not really an experienced shipper (yet). What is the difference, exactly?:rainbowhuh:

340724 Send me a link when it's done. I love BlueLight. Or is it TwiBlood? What do you think? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood? BlueLight or TwiBlood?

339922 I have started a fic where Twilight brings Blueblood to Ponyville, claiming they've know each other for years. It'll probably be a lot of flashbacks, and scenes from when they were young (do I dare risk my life writing a TwilBlood fic for the first fic I've ever written?). Also, Twilight never knew that Blueblood was a dick at the Gala, because he usually isn't like that, so she and Rarity get to rip on him a bit. Apparently he lost some kind of bet... guys, you know what it's like. Once you've lost a bet, you can't back out. They have control...:twilightoops:

299250>>301114>>304178>>304523>>305324>>306848>>313153>>315514>>317788>>318302>>323692>>326539>>328743>>329770>>334788 I have an idea for a story that i will probably never write. Here it is: Blueblood has regreted what he did at the Gala for every day since it happened, so he goes to Ponyville to make amends. But not for the reason you thenk. You see, he doesn't really care about Rarity. What he is there for is the mare who made the most delectible treat he had ever tasted. That's right, it's an AppleBlood ship. He secretly loved the fritters, but was concerned with appearances. I will also be putting this idea with the group 'The good prince'.

Funny, I never did join this group. But then, I've only joined... what? One group before here? A world building Alliance which I hardly post in, ever, or at all.

Anyway, I find myself here, and I already have two fics up, so I think to myself "why not join, hm?"

Also, I think Eros Dreaming should probably be in the romance section, though it is crackfic fun. Gotta get back to it, too, after or aside TPC's finale...

I've been interested in possible Blueblood background info ever since reading Best Night Ever some months ago. I don't think I'll have time to actually write a story in the foreseeable future, but I'm very much supportive of this thing! :pinkiehappy:

...Now how does one show that besides reading almost every Bb story one finds? :derpyderp1:

I might never write it, but I had an idea for a fic with not-so-snobish Blueblood... in which Pinkie Pie grows up his elegant, regal, adopted sister...:rainbowderp:

If I ever do write it, I'll talk to someone here about posting it.:twilightsmile:

In my story, "Celestia's Tiny Student" Blueblood is not main character, but he have his appearances in chapter 7 and 8, and he will have some appearances in other future chapters.

I will add this story here, so if minor appearances of him are not good enough for this group, fell free to inform me and I will remove it.

I wrote a story like this once, first story I ever wrote. I think this is the perfect little place to put it.

Blueblood unjerked.

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