Duet in the Folk StyleBig McIntosh's unique way of experiencing music fascinates Octavia, and he'd love nothing better than to satisfy her desire to get in touch with her earth pony roots. They could learn so much from each other.by Pascoite
38,822 words
· 325 · 15
Changeling Space ProgramThe space race is on, and Chrysalis is determined to win it. With an earth pony test pilot and a hive full of brave-but-dim changelings, can she be the first pony on the moon? Inspired by Kerbal Space Program.by Kris Overstreet
317,735 words
· 1,945 · 20
Some Kind Of HeroWhen Appleoosa Station was destroyed, only Scootaloo's bravery saved two hundred souls from a cold, airless death. The problem is, her version of the story doesn't agree with the official account.by TCC56
4,524 words
· 180 · 2
3140179 It's a weird niche, but I really enjoy stories about ponies listening in on broadcasts from Earth. It's like a mirror of how we react to funny little pony stories. Specifically for These Final Words it delivers a compelling story that I really liked. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to talk to me!
It is a very fun niche yes. Sadly a very small one. Wish there were more Broadcast stories.
It's a weird niche, but I really enjoy stories about ponies listening in on broadcasts from Earth. It's like a mirror of how we react to funny little pony stories. Specifically for These Final Words it delivers a compelling story that I really liked.
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to talk to me!
Thank you for adding These Final Words to your Favorites.
May I ask what you enjoyed about it?