• Member Since 1st Jul, 2023
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Loki Cat

Just a cat that likes to read fanfics

Blog Posts

  • 32 weeks
    Greed and Giving

    Hey friends on here, I'm not really sure that any of you may have know my friend IRL Greed and Giving, but he had met and lived with some one that has totally destroyed his life. The person had don't something to his computer and it sent him to prison maybe for the rest of his life with what that person did. I know him personally and know he did not do his crime, and sadly the justice system doesn't care. Please know that he is a good man that would help anyone if he could. This is why I don't

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    0 comments · 78 views
  • 65 weeks
    Happy birthday to me

    Today is my birthday!

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  • 66 weeks

    There is a story on this site that I heard about from my IRL friend Greed and Giving, he said that it was like the person in the story made an avatar that was a pegasus and the first pony he meets is Rainbow Dash. I would like to read it and I thank everyone who helps me with finding it.:twilightsmile:

    EDIT: I found the story I was looking for: My Little Pony: Fantasy is Reality :pinkiehappy:. Now I'm happy and hope An Intricate Disguise will please pick it back up.

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Greed and Giving · 7:53pm March 4th

Hey friends on here, I'm not really sure that any of you may have know my friend IRL Greed and Giving, but he had met and lived with some one that has totally destroyed his life. The person had don't something to his computer and it sent him to prison maybe for the rest of his life with what that person did. I know him personally and know he did not do his crime, and sadly the justice system doesn't care. Please know that he is a good man that would help anyone if he could. This is why I don't

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Report Loki Cat · 78 views ·
Comments ( 34 )
  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34

Will do and I'll be looking forward to seeing your work.

Well then I hope you find som5hing to your likening. Blood of the chimera is my favorite series, but due to my lack of writing skills, despite being a good story it can be a hard read. It is worth it if you don’t mind a novis, who misspells constantly. I do have to get back to the sequel of that at some point.

My latest work is probably my best attempt at writing a story, fang for a fang but it’s a little adult so warning. Either way i do hope you like something I wrote. Feel free to let me know any criticism you have, and thank you.

I found one of your stories interesting so I'm following it, and I know that you have some good stories because a friend told me some time ago.

Still can't wait to see you're epicness in action.

Thank you for the watch, what story made you watch me. And what did you think about my work.

  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34
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